The plus side of that is, many of the best pay8ing jobs with decent career paths require early entry and maybe trade school. College is a waste of time for many youngsters, they could be be using those wasted years getting a foot in the door and early jump on the college kids without the crushing debt. Society will always need electricians, plumbers and such. Get an early start in such and, with hard work you could easily wind up owning a company.Sadly, in the U.S., most states have sharply cut the support of state colleges and passed that expense along to parents and students, which increases the stress on parents paying tuition and students, graduates or not, paying off student debt.
My general rule of life was to always have a goal and a plan for meeting that goal. And, that neither the goal nor the plan were etched in stone should great alternatives present themselves. A plan provides roadmaps and you can measure your gains and loses. Then you can think about what to do to attain your goal, education, in-service, self-teaching and so forth. All of which can be easily accommodated, maybe slower than you'd like, while tending to family. A little less sleep, less "me time" (selfish time), more effort (physical and mental) less listening to friends suggesting you slow down and enjoy life, are all important for attaining goals.
Above all, don't listen to anyone who says, "You can't do that". Or, "You're wasting the fun years." Don't let the bastards/naysayers, get you down or divert you. You're the only one controlling how you spend your times and expend effort. Trust yourself! This doesn't mean never listen to others. Pick your mentors very carefully.
Never seek advice from anyone who isn't successful in their work or life. They know very little which might prove useful. They demonstrate that most every moment of their life.