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Jan 8, 2017
Make sure, now, Adam, after reading what you threw up in this thread to give away, if this is too strong for you (I've never smoked MOV, but it seems rated in the same 'medium' strength and flavor category that Penzance is by a few), a tin of tobacco ain't a puppy dog, so it is okay to rehome to a new owner more than once, lol ...



Jan 8, 2017
What a perfect use for that tin. I was just enjoying a bowl of Solani 779: Luxury English Mixture. It is a lighter bodied English that demands attention while smoking, for anything more than gentle sipping, and the complexity and interaction of the three leaf components falls apart. It got me thinking about Penzance, since it was on my mind. My initial plan with the bag was to split it up between two jars, throw 4 oz in the rotation and the other 4 to sit around for a couple more months.
I'll open the bag, jar up 4 ounces for myself to enjoy after Summer, and then split the other quarter pound into 1 oz samplers. There were 5 people who PMed me before my 'spoken for' post total, you were the first, obviously. That leaves 4 that wanted some Penzance, so I need addresses PMed to me from, please:



Send the info my way, and you 4 fellas will get an ounce of Penzance sent yours ...
Good Stuff to be doing with that tin, Adam, thanks for being generous yourself with it.



May 5, 2014
Just a quick note, a little isopropyl alcohol on that permanent marker and traceability is gone.
Just in case someone wants to flip that tin of Penzance :) HAHA



May 5, 2014
Also, I'm not sure publicly posting who the recipients of these items are is good form.
But maybe it just bothers me and isn't a problem for the majority.



Jan 8, 2017
I'll get Adam's tin in the mail Sat, and I'll open and split up the bag this weekend and get the 1 oz samples in the mail by Tuesday, at the very latest.



Jan 8, 2017
Also, I'm not sure publicly posting who the recipients of these items are is good form.
Well, its my form. You are certainly free to have your own form, which I will not criticize. All I'm doing is trying to hook people up with some Penzance, as it is a very good, but very over hyped tobacco and subsequently very difficult to get. I know where more is, the stuff is actually cheaper than most of the other tobaccos I smoke, but am respecting the tobacconist that likes to keep his supply quiet and won't do mail/online orders so he doesn't get bombarded by speculators and hoarders.
Not sure what your deal with it is. Saying, 'pagan', or three others, get an oz of Penzance doesn't give away any private or personal details about them. Everyone knows what is going on in this thread - see something offered up and you want it, hurry up and PM the poster before someone else does. I didn't let out any secrets about those 5 people watching this thread and PMing people saying, "Hey, did I make it first, 'cause I'd like for you to send me what you offered in your post." ...
I don't get what major offense I committed here by saying who gets it, using there forum name (Adam's name is in his forum handle, so, no secret his name is Adam) ...



Dec 29, 2016
I have a tin of Corn Cob Pipe I smoked 2 bowls out of, not a fan. I'd be happy to mail it to someone in the US.



May 9, 2016
Given that I did get lucky enough to recieve some Penzance - I'd like to offer up a little over an ounce of Brebbia Balkan. It's a fantastic blend.



Jan 8, 2017
While quickly scanning the other pages yesterday, I saw someone mentioning their liking to hear some Haiku. What a serendipitous coincidence. I just so happen to be a World renowned Haiku Artist. Lemme share 2 or 3 from my recently published work, Spur of the Moment Esoteric Haiku about Tobacco & Pirates from Cat Jockey:
Look! A Treasure found!

6 ounces sent, 6 for Me.

5 Mates shared the Loot.

I missed your first post, this one:
Just a quick note, a little isopropyl alcohol on that permanent marker and traceability is gone.
Just in case someone wants to flip that tin of Penzance [:)] HAHA
Well, now, that certainly answers my previous question as to what your problem is with what I did. You don't like it because I am cutting into your speculating profits, and every tin I give away is one less tin you can try to ride the coat tails of undue hype and hoarding in financially predatory fashion and hawk for $50.00:
And if more people like me did this when 3/4 lb of Penzance fell in their lap, guys like you would NOT be able to make a literal 500% profit off of your fellow pipe smokers on a 2 week old tin of tobacco ...
I'm not here to argue with anyone, and doubt the mods tolerate much here, but since you wanted to discuss my 'form' as well as try to encourage people doing stuff with a tin of tobacco I like and I am being generous enough to offer up for somebody to SMOKE AND ENJOY, stuff that is solely designed to get as much money from a pipe smoker's pocket into your own as you can with that Gift of mine, might I suggest it poor form, dare I say hypocritical and a move full of that thing labeled as, "he has some nerve to ..." or 'gall', to ask for freebies (in a thread about giving, no less, and where the 'rules' are clearly stated - first PM gets it, no asking for stuff or making requests) of a not cheap tobacco that you want because it has 10 years of age on it, as you did a page ago, when you are trying to get 500% profit off of 2 week old tins of Penzance from that very same group of people you expect free samples and gifts of 10 year old flake from:
Whoever got that Reiner flake, if you are feeling generous and could forward me some I would be in much gratitude!
Any chance you'd send a few bowls of the reiner my way? Pretty please?!
Just sayin', as suggesting Adam take alcohol to what I wrote on the back to flip the tin for $50, is, well, I gotta feeling that Adam ain't the kind of jackass that would do what you suggest he do and try to turn a GIFT into a financially predatory opportunity. Further, your insinuation that I am too stupid to realize the Sharpie ink could probably be easily removed, is well, I'll be a gentleman and label the inescapable and undeniable insinuation of that post as unappreciated, versus the language I would prefer to use ...
*Another Haiku Intermission*
Pirates of Penzance!

5 Mates crew the Dromon named


I did think about marking the paper label on the top before I ever took a pic of it and posted it up for grabs, so there was no way this tin couldn't be identified if it was flipped by someone like you after being GIVEN away as a GIFT in a thread about paying it forward. But, like I am willing to assume about Adam, I ain't a jackass, either, and thought whomever I gave this to would enjoy the empty tin not defaced on the top label by me in order to prevent someone like you from trying to screw somebody outta $50 for a $10 tin of tobacco (tins were $14 and bag was $38, and that is WITH all of the taxes at a B&M, so even cheaper online).
I didn't mark the top label to try to be cool, and you label that with the insinuation I am stupid enough to not understand how easy it would be to remove it from the back in order for someone to try to screw a fellow pipe smoker out of $50. And then childishly laugh at me for being so 'foolish'.
Quite the, umm, 'form', you carry yourself with, buddy ...
Any other critiques you would like to level my way for undercutting your 500% profit margin you peddle Penzance at, from being too stupid concerning ink on tin metal to my having poor form and class ?...?
*Another Haiku Intermission*
Speculators, Arrrrrgh!!!

Prepare to be Boarded by

Pirates of Penzance!

Okay, I'm done with all of that. I made my point and don't need to say anymore about the subject, now or in the future. And I put my Penzance where my mouth is and walked the walk, with 5 dudes better off for it. I'd prefer to leave it all at that and move on, so I do not provoke the ire of the mods ...
The Bear is a Loner, and often, apparently, known to be a bit, well, Growly on occasion. So they say. I'm a bit of a Bear. Well, I am a Bear, lol. Perhaps I should step away from my computer and this forum for a few days and go be a Bear by myself with a nice bowl of McClelland's Brindle Flake in my MM Country Gentleman. A nice little partially rubbed out Virginia flake with, well, a Brindle Bear on the tin label, lol ...
I've got you 4 Gents info written down, with 1 left to PM me. If any of the four getting the 1 oz haven't smoked it before, it is a very loose, very crumbly flake. A couple gentle pinch/rolls between your fingers and it falls apart, including some very fine pieces. Point being, I'll do my best to try to get the flakes to you in one piece, but, who knows, lol. No big deal if they fall apart in shipping, as far as smoking pleasure, just letting you know. I like to rub them out and gravity feed to the top and then tap the side of the bowl several times to settle it, tapping opposite sides (so you don't tap the fine particles all to one side of the bowl). From there, I'll usually tamp it down lightly and add some more, doing the same thing. If you go slowly, Adam (I saw that ain't your real name, so, sorry for calling you Adam, Not-Adam, lol), well, at least if I do, I can get the leathery aspects of the Cypriot to give way to a more winey/deep/dark/stewed fruit sort of element, which is pretty damn tasty.
Enjoy your soon to receive very good tobacco, in a World of many just as very good tobaccos, that incurs supply issues and stupid prices from 'baccy flippers' due to hype, you 5 Pirates of Penzance,
Cat Jockey



May 5, 2014
Wow, I found a button!
In any case, my own reputation here speaks for itself irregardless of if anyone actually read my post in bad form. I just want everyone to know that marker comes off, if they don't like what someone else has written on their tin. It was meant tongue in cheek.
I have been giving things away long enough to know that some less fortunate individuals truly benefit from it and their requests are better kept private. That was all. No personal attacks meant, none taken.
In any case, congrats and good show to all of the members who have given in this thread, you guys are what makes this community so great!



Jan 8, 2017
Still at 4 outta 5 on the address front. With my agenda in the coming weeks, I am going to try to get everything in the mail tomorrow AM. Try, lol (it's tomorrow or Tuesday, but probably tomorrow, pagan, at which point the Dromon Christened Esoterica will have set sail, with no turning back to Port). I'll check my PMs again in the morning, but, if I don't hear back, pagan's ounce is getting tossed in with Adam's, err, Not-Adam's, since he said he plans to share his with his local Pipe Club (it's okay to open it and try it before the meeting and keep some for yerself at home, too, if you like it, lol. It's your Gift, afterall.). A perfect thing to do with it, and if that is what happens to that tin, I couldn't be happier and miss that tin less. That's EXACTLY what I wanted to happen with this tin when I went over in my mind who I personally hoped the first PMer would be - a cool dude that would share a taste of it with other pipe smokers he knew in person who haven't tried it, just so they know what it is all about. Again, plenty of us find it to be a very good tobacco, but there are a lot of those, not just Penzance. And, we are all Human, so of course every pipe smokers wants to try at least a bowl to see what the hell the fuss is all about, and won't feel their Pipe Smoking career complete without having done so.
There's that thing up there in The Universe I just call the Force of Good. I ain't the FoG. I am just an almost 45 year old beat to hell knucklehead retired SkiBum/SnowCat Operator/Whitewater Raft Guide. But, I do have the Power and Influence to make sure The Universe hooks you up with a little Cat Jockey Taster Pack 'O Baccy falling outta the sky and into your lap with the tin (and possibly additional ounce) of Penzance, for being cool and generous with said tin 'o Penzance, Not-Adam. I'm going to toss in a bowl or two of Solani 779: English Luxury Mixture, a flake of Solani 633: Virginia Flake with Perique, a flake of Solani 656: Aged Burley Flake, and a bowl or two of McClellend's Brindle Flake.
The 779 is lighter in body than Penzance and has Syrian Latakia, versus the Penzance which is all Cypriot. I like to smoke some blends harder and hotter than others, as some blends yield further flavor profiles to be accessed and enjoyed, some I run the full spectrum throughout the bowl of sipping to turning the heat up for a few puffs. But, with 779, it is strictly a gentle sipper, for me at least. Anything more and the complexity and nice interaction between the three tobaccos falls apart and it becomes a monotone and bland smoke, with the Syrian all but disappearing. But, it is pretty damn tasty when sipped. With the Solani 633 (My favorite VaPer. Can you tell I like Solani Weed, lol?), you can get just a tad deeper and richer bottom third of the bowl by cube cutting it across the grain in 1/8-3/16" strips and then gently rubbing them out to uniform size. Gravity load and tap, with a little, but not too much, tamping down. However, the PITA of managing the ember and slightly lighter flavor for the first 1/3 of the bowl makes me usually rub it out, which provides a very good experience. I consider 633 to be a sweeter VaPer. The fresh tin note isn't much to write home about, but within a few days of being transferred to a jar, it develops a nice deep sweet fruity aroma. The 656 I tend to go 50/50 on as far as rubbed out or cubed, but only because rubbing it out is like rubbing out a piece of beef jerky compared to 633, lol. I do take my time (I enjoy the preparation aspect of it all) rubbing it out - the finer/more shag like the better, for me. If you want, you can get 2 decent sized/length smokes from each flake. The Brindle Flake is a straight Va, and is partially rubbed out. Further rubbing will break it up into smaller chunks (vs the more ribbon like 633), which I usually do.
I'm going to disappear from this thread and leave it to others to determine its fate concerning if and for how long it keeps going. All ya'll take care and 4 or 5 of you enjoy your Cat Jockey Baccy Packages from the Colorado High Country ...
There's lots of ways to Pay it Forward, the vast, vast majority of which have nothing to do with pipe smoking or pipe smokers ...
Corn Cob Smokin' Cat Jockey



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 21, 2015
Thanks for contributing to the thread catjockey. I am sure those that took you up on your offer will not soon forget your generosity.
However, I think that you made some bad assumptions about clickklick, and made comments that sullied the spirit of your offering - as well as this thread. We run a friendly thread here, though the particpants may be few, and I personally think it brings out the best in people. I hope that you will read the past interactions in this thread; and follow their example if you choose to continue contributing.



May 5, 2014
Moving on!
I humbly offer some 2012 C&D Manhatten Afternoon in bulk 1.5 oz. As well as 2012 C&D Afterhours of the same. Anyone can have one or both, or neither if they'd like!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2017
Nothing fancy just 1/4 inch aluminum roughly shaped like a tamper, over 2 1/2 inches or almost as tall as a bic.


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