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Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
I've put together a nice sized grab bag of various non-latakia blends.

There are some over-rated and under-rated (lol) blends in there.

I'd like it to go to a newer piper who hasn't had a chance to diversify their tobacco knowledge.

First to shoot me a pm will get it.




Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2015
Charliecob, got my frog morton today. It's better than advertised at first sip. As long as it stays half this good through the bag, this will be a new staple for me. Thank you again



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2015
So after I am in love with a sample of frog morton's across the pond that I claimed on here, I feel compelled to do the same. I have a very well loved Dr. Grabow Viking with a nice rusticated bowl that I am adding. I would really prefer someone that doesn't have any kind of metal pipe to get it and try it out. Once again, this isn't a collectors piece.

May 4, 2015
HELLO! I'm going to resurrect this thread from the dead, at least long enough to apologize to the couple folks I had promised to send some tobacco to! I'm generally not a flake, but right after I posted that offer for the 1980 Mac Baren Mixture - well - life happened which included a move across several states. Now that the excuses are taken care of, I'm back and the Mac Baren Mixture is available. I am willing to make good on my offer if the folks that PMd me regarding it originally would please message me again with your addresses.
Thank you and again, I'm sorry I disappeared without sending out your gifts!


J. Mayo

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2012
Well since Tom brought this back to life, I've got one hell of a deal for somebody......I'd like to give this pipe to someone who is new to the hobby, maybe only smoking a cob or Grabow at the time. Someone who doesn't own a "nice" pipe. Maybe just started recently smoking pipes but not quite ready to invest in a good pipe yet, I'm here to be the devil on your shoulder and get you absolutely HOOKED. I had to do a little "home repair" on this pipe but it still smokes 100x better than any drugstore pipe (like Dr. Grabow, trust me I've compared). I just don't use it much anymore and considering that it's had some "modifications" I wouldn't feel right asking for any kind of money for it. If you'll pay for shipping, it's yours. Hell, if you even know a good candidate who's interested in getting into pipe smoking, I'll send it to you to pass on to them. Just PLEASE make sure this pipe makes its way to someone who is new to the hobby and not someone just looking for a steal of a deal. My goal by giving this pipe away is to add one more new pipe smoker to the world in hopes that he/she will one day do the same. In my experience, pipers are generally all around more generous, friendly, and better human beings than most of what this world is turning out these days. SO....all that being said:
Nording Freehand Pipe

THE REPAIR: When I bought this pipe new the air hole was drilled slightly off in the shank. I've seen a little dimple in the bottom side of the mortise where the hole was drilled on most pipes, but this one was low enough that air was actually leaking around the tenon while smoking the pipe. I took an epoxy and filled the gap, all is well. Haven't had any issues since this little repair. With enough searching you could probably find the thread from 2012ish where I was asking for advice to fix this little problem.


If anyone feels the need to send some Penzance or something exotic of the like my way in spirit of "paying it forward" I guess that would be ok :rofl:.



Jun 5, 2015
Good idea, James.

Up for grabs a 50g tin or 2oz bulk of your choice available now from SPC, P&C or 4Noggins.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 7, 2017
I have an extra tin of 50g Lord Baltimore up for grabs (I liked it so much I got a second tin just in case).



Might Stick Around
Sep 19, 2017
I have E.A. Carey super bowl " magic pipe". Lightly smoked, great pipe, just not for me. Yours for the taking....don't know how to upload photos, so give me email and I'll send photos



Jun 5, 2015
Just a reminder - rules of the thread posted by randelli:
If you have any pipes, lighters, tools, accessories, tobacco, etc. hanging around that you are not going to use - offer it up for free NO swap and trade. This is a great way for a lot of us to clear out some old stuff and send it to good home. Someone may be looking for exactly what you have, you know, trash/treasure kind of thing.
YOU MAY ONLY RESPOND IF YOU FIRST POST SOMETHING FREE YOURSELF. If you see something you want, you need to offer something up on the thread before you can ask for it. The goal is for maximum participation.
All offerings should include a photo of the freebie and a brief description. It is OK to comment on the item; but be warned - the first PM from someone who has listed a freebie gets it. Shipping is understood to be paid by the person listing the item. If shipping is to be paid by the recipient it should be clearly communicated in the posting of the item.
You must post something free yourself before you can ask for ANYTHING (that has already been posted).
This is not a place for trading, selling, or otherwise doing "business"
Do not ask for something that is not posted - no ISO posts.
The giver cannot ask for anything in return other than shipping of an item.
All other forum rules are to be followed as they pertain to buying selling and trading. Please review the sticky if you are not familiar with the rules.



Can't Leave
May 5, 2015
Free unopened tin of P&C Out of Office: Up All Night. It's a Burley/rum blend by Russ Ouellette.



Jun 5, 2017
I am glad someone woke this zombie thread. I like stuff like this. So, up for grabs is a bit of briar. An old St. Claude pipe from a bunch of estate pipes I got. It is clean, but I want to do a bit more work on the stem and give it a good polish yet. So, if you want this, give me a few days to get it finished. I prefer bent pipes, so you WIN. I will include a couple of samples of tobacco from my meager stash too if you want. If you let me know your preference, (aromatic or not) I will try to pick something. (Not a DEEP cellar here for sure) 8)



Jun 5, 2017
I just realized that this thread is the wrong place for me to post this.
I am going to start a new thread for offering surplus items to someone with no strings attached. The 'must offer something first' in this thread is fine, but makes it difficult for a new pipe smoker to join in the fun. So, I will start a new thread and include the above pipe in it instead.
Please consider the above offer withdrawn. I will post another item here later.



Can't Leave
May 5, 2015
PSA: Member vokaa flaked on sending me the promised "extra tin" he offered. First it was that he didn't actually have the tin after all and needed the funds to buy it. Then it was that he was saving up for postage. Then it was that he sent it long ago, didn't I get it? No tracking number, of course.
So if he comes nosing around trying to score something free, he doesn't deserve it.
And just so this post isn't too much of a bummer, does anyone want three different Acid cigarillos? Or does that just make it worse? :oops: I don't like throwing away tobacco if someone might enjoy it.

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