Know any history at all about Crimea and Ukraines repeated attacks on the citizens over the last decades? No? Didn't think so. Have a nice day.
I do, actually, know a bit of the history although I'm no scholar. Still won't stop me having my avatar here be the Ukrainian flag. I've got some close friends who are Ukrainian and it reminds me of them and to not take my safety for granted.
Nice attempt to deflect, though. My people and I will have you eating crickets in no time, right after my masters program my microchip, which is hard considering it's solar powered but also secretly powered by, like, adrenochrome? I don't know, I'm trying to keep all this info straight but my naiveté in these matters has me confused as to whether I am A: a completely incompetent fool, or B: a Bond Villian-level criminal mastermind who controls the world through the shadows.
Either way, me and my fellow elites are having a super secret meeting at our lair later, I'll bring up your concerns and fears.