Now It's Cricket Pasta/Pizza/Pancakes etc.

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Jan 31, 2011
I absolutely love the extreme paranoia in this thread. Holy shit fellas.

No one is going to force you to eat crickets. Absolutely no one is going to force you to eat crickets.

Let me say that again.

No one is going to force you to eat crickets.

Humans have relied on insects as food since the dawn of time. Every single one of us has insect eating ancestors. Plenty of cultures still do eat insects, not just primitive peoples, either. Normalizing insect eating (which will probably take decades) and utilizing them has healthy food (which they are) is a good thing. Cattle farming is disgusting and harmful (and I love beef) so having some alternatives is good.

If you don't want to eat the crickets, don't eat the fucking crickets.

No one is going to force you to eat crickets, or anything at all.
I don't remember anyone saying anything in this thread about being "forced" to eat crickets.

The discussion in this thread is about the much greater context that this issue is only one aspect of. If you only get your information from the corporate "mainstream" media, there is probably much of this context that you are unaware of and how it is affecting farming and what its stated goals are for the future...the trajectory it is on.

I don't have time to bring you up to speed...maybe someone else here does. If you think this is paranoia, to me that is truly laughable...but I'm not the least bit's just the typical mentality of normalcy bias and ignorance of these types of issues, and who and what is behind it all.

Think what you want...have a nice day.
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Apr 9, 2021
I don't remember anyone saying anything in this thread about being "forced" to eat crickets.

The discussion in this thread is about the much greater context that this issue is only one aspect of. If you only get your information from the corporate "mainstream" media, there is probably much of this context that you are unaware of and how it is affecting farming and what its stated goals are for the future...the trajectory it is on.

I don't have time to bring you up to speed...maybe someone else here does. If you think this is paranoia, to me that is truly laughable...but I'm not the least bit's just the typical mentality of normalcy bias and ignorance of these types of issues, and who and what is behind it all.

Think what you want...have a nice day.
This documentary was a bit of an eye opener for me. It's been awhile since I've watched it, I have it on DVD.Screenshot_20230710-142552~2.png
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Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
I don't remember anyone saying anything in this thread about being "forced" to eat crickets.

The discussion in this thread is about the much greater context that this issue is only one aspect of. If you only get your information from the corporate "mainstream" media, there is probably much of this context that you are unaware of and how it is affecting farming and what its stated goals are for the future...the trajectory it is on.

I don't have time to bring you up to speed...maybe someone else here does. If you think this is paranoia, to me that is truly laughable...but I'm not the least bit's just the typical mentality of normalcy bias and ignorance of these types of issues, and who and what is behind it all.

Think what you want...have a nice day.

I'm a farmer. That's how I earn a living. I'm immersed in that world on a daily basis, even when I try to escape it. I don't get my information about farming or the issues surrounding it from "mainstream corporate media" but from farmers themselves and the groups that exist to help and inform us farmers about issues. I'm well aware of the trajectory that farming is on, and well aware of the issues we all face both as farmers and consumers because I am both a farmer and consumer. Absolutely zero of us farmers are concerned about cricket consumption, or "who is behind it all," because it's not an actual issue we are concerned about. We have real issues to deal with.

And yeah. There's plenty of paranoia here.
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Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Well, if not crickets, locusts are a concern for farmers every now and then (17 years??). :)

I am more concerned about what Brazil and other SA countries have done and are still doing that impacts the bean market, not to mention Octomation of prime forests, rain forests, and more. The strange word above is meant to convey 80%, as opposed to decimation, an overused word, which means one in ten.


Jan 31, 2011
Absolutely zero of us farmers are concerned about cricket consumption, or "who is behind it all," because it's not an actual issue we are concerned about.
I can see from your comment you still don't understand the point being made. There are numerous interrelated issues that I don't have time to get into, so I'll just make it real short and simple by limiting it to this one:

The whole impetus behind the push for insect consumption to replace meat eating is the climate change hoax...specifically the ludicrous, continually repeated assertion that animal farming is contributing to catastrophic climate change and has to be either drastically curtailed or ended altogether as soon as possible...along with gas autos, coal burning, etc, etc.

If you believe that, and accept it as valid science, then we just need to agree to disagree...end of discussion.


Sep 21, 2020
North Carolina
I must have subconsciously blocked out that reference.

I like that it's stated as "you may eat..." rather than "you shall eat...". My reply to God on that would be, thanks but I'll abstain from that particular choice...and thank you for allowing me the choice.

My reply to the psycho hypocrite "elite" pushing this on totally false premises and trying to shut down traditional farming and ranching would be, go fuck yourself.
Damn right.
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Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
I can see from your comment you still don't understand the point being made. There are numerous interrelated issues that I don't have time to get into, so I'll just make it real short and simple by limiting it to this one:

The whole impetus behind the push for insect consumption to replace meat eating is the climate change hoax...specifically the ludicrous, continually repeated assertion that animal farming is contributing to catastrophic climate change and has to be either drastically curtailed or ended altogether as soon as possible...along with gas autos, coal burning, etc, etc.

If you believe that, and accept it as valid science, then we just need to agree to disagree...end of discussion.
Yeah, I don't get the "point" because it's a "point" born of paranoia and fear and which doesn't have a basis in reality. You're telling me that some consortium of governments and scientists and farmers are all conspiring to force us to eat insects...because?

I don't buy into paranoia, nor do I disregard consensus among people much smarter than I (despite whatever basement dwelling weirdo you can cart out to tell me the opposite) and, if you're not going to trust science, I've got quite a mountain of anecdotal evidence for ya, too. I live and die by the climate and every decision we make on the farm involves it, and we've got records you'll have to get real creative about excusing.

Meanwhile, us farmers will continue to work our asses off, on a dynamically changing planet (which, you know, we pay intimate attention to) to provide you food, if you're not too scared that "they" have poisoned it with mind control drugs and paid me off to keep quiet about it. And none of us are going to force you to eat insects instead of meat. But Boy, I do love those dark money checks that they send by UFO to my scientist wife, to keep her quiet and in line about the Big Hoax.
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Jan 31, 2011
You're telling me that some consortium of governments and scientists and farmers are all conspiring to force us to eat insects
No, that's your twisted interpretation of what was said...I don't blame farmers for least not the independent ones...the giant corporate industrial farms may be another story.

You're right about one thing though...there is much paranoia surrounding this topic...exhibited by brainwashed kids going out and sitting in traffic and/or destroying works of art because they've been led to believe that the world is ending in a few years due to "climate change". What a load of crap.


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I absolutely love the extreme paranoia in this thread. Holy shit fellas.

No one is going to force you to eat crickets. Absolutely no one is going to force you to eat crickets.

Let me say that again.

No one is going to force you to eat crickets.

Humans have relied on insects as food since the dawn of time. Every single one of us has insect eating ancestors. Plenty of cultures still do eat insects, not just primitive peoples, either. Normalizing insect eating (which will probably take decades) and utilizing them has healthy food (which they are) is a good thing. Cattle farming is disgusting and harmful (and I love beef) so having some alternatives is good.

If you don't want to eat the crickets, don't eat the fucking crickets.

No one is going to force you to eat crickets, or anything at all.
Jaylotw, you are quite right, no one is going to force folk to eat bugs....yet.

Look how the petrol/diesel engined car is going. Over here we will not be allowed to buy any new petrol/diesel cars after I think 2035, we will be forced to buy electric. Basically our options are slowly being removed by the powers that be.

And there is the rub.




Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
Jaylotw, you are quite right, no one is going to force folk to eat bugs....yet.

Look how the petrol/diesel engined car is going. Over here we will not be allowed to buy any new petrol/diesel cars after I think 2035, we will be forced to buy electric. Basically our options are slowly being removed by the powers that be.

And there is the rub.


Yes. I see. First you cant buy a new diesel 12 years down the road, then comes the bugs?

Nah. Nobody is going to force anyone to eat bugs, ever.

I don't understand who is getting you guys so scared. I guess bug eating is just the latest Boogeyman.


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Nah. Nobody is going to force anyone to eat bugs, ever.
No, but if the alternatives are slowly removed from the shelves then we are left to eat what IS on the shelves and that is largely the point being made here.

Look how cigarette smoking was demonised to the point where folk felt guilty lighting up a cigarette. It's manipulation which is a form of control, and it's that that bugs (excuse the pun) me.


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Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
No, that's your twisted interpretation of what was said...I don't blame farmers for least not the independent ones...the giant corporate industrial farms may be another story.

You're right about one thing though...there is much paranoia surrounding this topic...exhibited by brainwashed kids going out and sitting in traffic and/or destroying works of art because they've been led to believe that the world is ending in a few years due to "climate change". What a load of crap.

Dumb kids staging dumb protests are just that...dumb kids staging dumb protests for attention. You're the one claiming some consortium of governments and scientists, some amorphous "they," presumably spending billions, are acting together in some fashion which is much too complicated to explain, all in order to fake mountains of evidence and pull the wool over the eyes of billions with the end goal being...what exactly? To control you? Force you to eat bugs? But...the kids who have to survive on this planet, regardless of how "changed" it may be, long after you're gone, are the paranoid ones?

As far as corporate farming...they're usually arguing on your side of this issue, seeing as how they can't exist without massive quantities of fossil fuels, chemical plants, and government money. Us independent guys are left to eek out a living under that monster's belly, and left to adapt to a climate that is undeniably changing. The big guys don't want to adapt, they don't want to change, there's too much money tied up in it. You're on their side, whether you realize it or not. They've got you convinced that the only way is THEIR way...but it isn't, and, since they've not got reality on their side, they cart out boogeymen to scare you with.

The fact that Big Ag's newest Boogeyman is "they're gonna force you to eat BUGS!!" would be laughable if it wasn't so effective.

No, but if the alternatives are slowly removed from the shelves then we are left to eat what IS on the shelves and that is largely the point being made here.

Look how cigarette smoking was demonised to the point where folk felt guilty lighting up a cigarette. It's manipulation which is a form of control, and it's that that bugs (excuse the pun) me.



No one is going to force you to eat bugs. No one is going to manipulate you into eating bugs. Meat isn't going to be replaced by bugs, we're just going to have to change the way we raise animals and adjust our consumption because the way we're doing it now is not sustainable for the future...and insect protein might be a way to help make that adjustment. This paranoia surrounding the eating of insects is nothing but a fear tactic designed to keep you from wanting that change. It's a Boogeyman.
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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Yet another example of how the public are being manipulated is that (over here at least) banks are closing down every week, cashpoint machines are disappearing from towns & villages up and down the country all so that a cashless society can be introduced.

Why might they do that you may ask? That way every transaction will be recorded and monitored and be assured it won't be for the benefit of Joe Public.

I can't get my brand new TV to work properly simply because I refuse to enter my personal details as requested on the set up screen, so certain features are not available to me despite paying for them.


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Aug 1, 2018
You're the one claiming some consortium of governments and scientists, some amorphous "they," presumably spending billions, are acting together in some fashion which is much too complicated to explain, all in order to fake mountains of evidence and pull the wool over the eyes of billions with the end goal being...what exactly? To control you?
At this point it seems as though you are just being willfully obtuse. The consortium you are denying the existence of is the WEF, they openly say on their website, in their meetings, in public speeches, that they control the world's governments and "science" and that they are doing these exact things. World governments and the UN, in their official websites, meetings, and public speeches, openly say that they are complying with the WEF and their objectives. What part of this is so hard for you to understand?


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
At this point it seems as though you are just being willfully obtuse. The consortium you are denying the existence of is the WEF, they openly say on their website, in their meetings, in public speeches, that they control the world's governments and "science" and that they are doing these exact things. World governments and the UN, in their official websites, meetings, and public speeches, openly say that they are complying with the WEF and their objectives. What part of this is so hard for you to understand?
Ah yes. The WEF. Clearly the WEF is controlling us, and soon, will force us all to eat bugs! At last, "they" have a name! They are hell bent on controlling us all, through making us recycle and pressuring industries to stop wrecking the planet and making us drive electric cars in 20 years and focusing on renewable energy, a completely logical method! They're so good, in fact, that they've duped (and somehow paid off) billions of people and a couple million scientists and the majority of governments worldwide! Incredible! And the only people calling them out are the oil industry, big ag, and the coal industry---folks who clearly don't have a vested interest! It all makes so much more sense now.

Wow, you're right. Perhaps I've been manipulated into believing a bunch of lies. I suppose I'll know when I receive my weekly allotment of cricket flour and the microchip clicks on to make me forget about meat.
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