Non-Aro Vs. Aro Status -- A Shift

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Jun 6, 2017
When I see/hear about the people who just smoke their one aro in their one pipe and aren't really hobbyists, or into talking about it, I think back to my 33 years of cigarette smoking.
It was something I did to get my fix. I didn't care to dissect, study or glorify it. I wanted my brain jolt every 40-70 minutes and then I was pacified and no longer wanted to hurt others.
Now, I do enjoy tobacco and I feel less a slave to it. But I remember the slave days and I must respect those still operating within that usage pattern.
Just my "half fast" opinion... :puffy:


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
It was the banana tobacco that did it, I'll bet.
The nanner baccy is a good one, but the longer I smoke, there's getting to be little difference in non aro blends.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Nothing at all. Lakelands aren't the horror they're made out to be. Try Glengarry and Coniston as well.



Feb 21, 2013
I don't want to feel exotic and exclusive in a way that makes me look down my nose at the guy or gal who owns three Dr. Grabows to smoke over-the-counter blends. There are many more of those people than people who take an active interest in higher priced pipes and more refined blends. I like many tobacco forward aromatics, a number of over-the-counter blends, and quite a few U.S. and similar factory pipes, and I am happy to have the support of the grassroots people to support the tobacco pipe and tobacco industry. Without them, there wouldn't be nearly as much selection in pipes or blends. Hurrah for the pipe smokers of the world.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2017
Actually, I'm leaning more toward aros these days.
Same here. I enjoy my Englishes once in a while, but I smoke mostly Carter Hall, Amphora Green (Rich Aroma), and Amphora Red (Full Aroma). All three are aros, but good quality aros that taste great, aren't soaked in PG, and smoke cool. I think Cosmic is right to call the low quality aros flavorless 'goopers', because that is exactly what they are. Stating that fact doesn't automatically mean we look down on those who do smoke them. It's just stating the obvious. People should smoke what they like, regardless of what others say or think.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I think Cosmic is right to call the low quality aros flavorless 'goopers', because that is exactly what they are. Stating that fact doesn't automatically mean we look down on those who do smoke them.
Still an opinion because of the subjectivity of taste. They all taste the way they smell to me.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Wait, before my hyperbole gets marked down for the record, I don't think all aromatics are goopy. Most are, but some are very fine quality tobaccos, like Bagpiper's Dream that I am smoking right now.
I think it was someone in the biz on here at one pointed out that when we use the term aromatic, we are referring to the quality of the aroma. It doesn't have much impact on people's taste... except for Duane. I mean, some might taste it somewhat, but it is meant to have more of an impact on the olfactory senses. However some have tastes also, but that's not what the term "aromatic" is referring to.
So, Duane, to just make sure I know what you're saying... (putting the quality Rattray stuff or other high end aromatics) you can taste the bulk Sutliff or Lane aromatics, like peach and apple? ...the stuff most guys start off with?



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Hmm, again this issue of quality pops up, which sends my mind back to one of my very first posts on these forums: what's good to buy and what's junk? (Although at the time I was speaking in terms of OTC's [which I assumed were the additive-laden junk] vs tinned tobacco [which I assumed to be top notch, no additives toby].)
So, Lane and Sutliff, bad? This gets more confusing at times.
***Olkofri starts to eye his Warhorse Green, MacBaren Vanilla, and Brigham Ripley Avenue aros suspiciously***



Jul 21, 2015
Amphora is great.
There are some blends that I call "semi-aro," because they are top flavored but not with sugar-laden soda pop flavors.
I recommend Lane Burley Light Without A Bite (BL/WB) but I have to mix it 1:2 with a dark/white Burley mix because the toppings are a bit irritant and too strong as a flavor for me. It is less topped than most and seems to be good quality Burley.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I never laid a quality qualifier on them. Some people really like those goopys. To them they are top notch. They may even use quality tobaccos, but it's hard to tell after what they do to it. It's like arguing over the quality of the meat that McDonalds buys. It may or may not be quality; who can tell after they what they've done to it.
I prefer an aromatic that has a balance, maybe leaning more to the tobacco taste side of the Force.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
you can taste the bulk Sutliff or Lane aromatics, like peach and apple? ...the stuff most guys start off with?
I can now. Just realized it over this past summer. Lanes Black Raspberry has been a favorite for the past few weeks. Sutliff's Chocolate Truffle, Queen Anne's Revenge, Mixture 79, and Pumpkin Spice have been favorites as well. Stokkebye's Cinnamon, and Peaches and Cream have been good too. I guess it started Summer 2016 when I realized I could taste Paladin Black Cherry. I certainly couldn't taste them when I first started smoking a pipe back in '91, but tin note equals taste now.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
The only thing I can't smoke now is my old nemesis Borkum Riff. Really wanted to like it years ago for the nautical art, but it still bites me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 26, 2014
I smoked a couple bowls of Ennerdale and liked it, what's happening to me?

Coincidences, coincidences! After reading what seemed like a hundred different threads about Lakelands I just placed an order not 20 minutes ago, because why not, I'm justifying everything with my birthday TAD. All done with that I turn my attention to this thread. I'm reading some post about banana tobacco, get distracted by something else, then return my gaze to mentions of Ennerdale, Coniston and Glengarry. I have to say I was very confused. Had I not closed those 20 tabs? Had a chuckle afterwards, once I saw the conversation return to Amphora on Dr. Grabows.

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