Here is the story as I saw it unfold. We are not a legitimate sample of the pipe tobacco community as a whole. We are hobbyist that want to talk about different pipes and tobaccos. Real pipesmokers, just smoke their pipes and mind their own businesses. I see these guys every time I go to the Briary. They have absolutely no interest in talking about smoking.
"Just give me my damn Vanilla Goo and screw off." Sure, I dabble in aromatics, myself, but I have found very few to be of interest enough to write about them. Sure, sure we ridiculed aromatic smokers, but to some extent it was because they never contribute to the conversations. But, we would posts about Autumn Evening, Vanilla Cream Flake, 1Q, Blah Hobbits Sticky Cherry Weed, from my very first day here. But, they never get much talk, just a few comments, no real conversation.
Then Kevin got wind that we were mean to aromatic smokers. Brian even told us on the radioshow. So, we lightened up. Some of us actively spreading the "smoke what you like, like what you smoke" attitude. I even tried to provoke some aro talk with a few posts. But, all in all, I was talking to non-aro guys about what it's like to smoke an aromatic. Aro guys just have nothing to add, but complaints. "Why don't you guys like us?"
But, we would constantly get people who joined to complain about us not taking aromatic smokers seriously. I would encourage them to post a review. They wouldn't. Everyone was nice, but they'd still blame it on being a non-aro dominated forum. Yet, to those saying this, I would always just ask them to talk about their aros. But, no, we were the bad guys.
I know why this is. It's because there's just not enough interesting things to talk about concerning aromatics. If you smoke a cherry blend that you can't taste, burns your tongue, and you pretend to like it, then what they hell are you gonna tell us? "My wife likes the way it smells." Aromatic guys are always welcome. But, we need the interesting conversation aro guys. Not, the I-wanna-complain-about-not-being-taken-seriously aromatic guys.
My challenge is to write review. Comment on an already existing review. Talk to us about whatever aro's you like. What pipe do you like better with which aros. But, if you want to tell us that we suck, then don't complain when we don't respond with love and kindness.
Sure, sure we talk about aros, but you'll find talk of the level that we do now, back then. There's just not much deeper conversation to be had. But, I am always willing to be wrong. Prove me wrong. Talk more deeply about your aromatic. Make me a liar, and post more aromatic talk. But, my guess is that if you smoke an aromatic, like most of these guys they only smoke that one aromatic. They aren't willing to change, because they smoke for different reasons than us hobbyist. Even if these hobbyist hate being called hobbyist, if they smoke a non-aro, they tend to have more aspects of the hobby than the aromatic guys.
Prove me wrong. That would make me the happiest. We all would love new aspects of this antiquated past time to talk about. But, so far...
"Just give me my damn Vanilla Goo and screw off." Sure, I dabble in aromatics, myself, but I have found very few to be of interest enough to write about them. Sure, sure we ridiculed aromatic smokers, but to some extent it was because they never contribute to the conversations. But, we would posts about Autumn Evening, Vanilla Cream Flake, 1Q, Blah Hobbits Sticky Cherry Weed, from my very first day here. But, they never get much talk, just a few comments, no real conversation.
Then Kevin got wind that we were mean to aromatic smokers. Brian even told us on the radioshow. So, we lightened up. Some of us actively spreading the "smoke what you like, like what you smoke" attitude. I even tried to provoke some aro talk with a few posts. But, all in all, I was talking to non-aro guys about what it's like to smoke an aromatic. Aro guys just have nothing to add, but complaints. "Why don't you guys like us?"
But, we would constantly get people who joined to complain about us not taking aromatic smokers seriously. I would encourage them to post a review. They wouldn't. Everyone was nice, but they'd still blame it on being a non-aro dominated forum. Yet, to those saying this, I would always just ask them to talk about their aros. But, no, we were the bad guys.
I know why this is. It's because there's just not enough interesting things to talk about concerning aromatics. If you smoke a cherry blend that you can't taste, burns your tongue, and you pretend to like it, then what they hell are you gonna tell us? "My wife likes the way it smells." Aromatic guys are always welcome. But, we need the interesting conversation aro guys. Not, the I-wanna-complain-about-not-being-taken-seriously aromatic guys.
My challenge is to write review. Comment on an already existing review. Talk to us about whatever aro's you like. What pipe do you like better with which aros. But, if you want to tell us that we suck, then don't complain when we don't respond with love and kindness.
Sure, sure we talk about aros, but you'll find talk of the level that we do now, back then. There's just not much deeper conversation to be had. But, I am always willing to be wrong. Prove me wrong. Talk more deeply about your aromatic. Make me a liar, and post more aromatic talk. But, my guess is that if you smoke an aromatic, like most of these guys they only smoke that one aromatic. They aren't willing to change, because they smoke for different reasons than us hobbyist. Even if these hobbyist hate being called hobbyist, if they smoke a non-aro, they tend to have more aspects of the hobby than the aromatic guys.
Prove me wrong. That would make me the happiest. We all would love new aspects of this antiquated past time to talk about. But, so far...