Non-Aro Vs. Aro Status -- A Shift

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Feb 21, 2013
Since I started on Forums, I have belatedly noticed a shift in the discussion of non-aromatic compared to aromatic tobaccos. When I first joined Forums, aromatics were generally discussed as beginner tobaccos, often thought of as gooey, sweet, not tobacco-flavored, and somewhat dissed. Not universally, but often. Then there was a revived interest in aromatics, first a kind of joking or defiant, then a more serious consideration. chasingembers rambunctious discussion of Mixture 79 comes to mind. But several members began to express the thought that not only weren't aromatics beginners tobaccos, but they are best left to more experienced smokers to properly smoke and savor. Our master reviewer, or one of them, jiminks, has always maintained a balanced view, considering aromatics with just as much respect as non-aromatics, including his beloved Edward G. Robinson among many other aromatics. Has anyone else noted this shift in opinion? Or perhaps this is a pendulum that swings back and forth over time, and I am just observing one such arch. Have you observed any change in the reputation of aromatics here on Forums and/or elsewhere? What's your own experience with aro versus non-aromatics? I started with tobacco forward aros from Tinder Box and much later became a devotee of non-aromatics and smoked them almost exclusively for a while, and now range freely between the two. I still prefer my aros tobacco forward, and my all-time favorites are non-aromatics, but I have no sense in actually smoking that non-aro or aro blends are the top dog. Both have their place and can be enjoyed, depending on the blend. Your experience? Opinion?

Jan 8, 2013
When I first joined the forum, aros were tongue in cheek frowned upon, but there has always been those who say smoke what you like despite what anyone else thinks about it. But even Barronsamedi (the Barron Of Black House as I liked to call him)recommended to me a few aromatics that he enjoyed. I in turn of course became a fan of Balkan blends after trying Black House. There are many blends and blend types I enjoy now, but I still enjoy aromatics regularly. In fact I enjoy them even more so. By smoking complex blends such as Balkans, I've learned to detect the different flavors of the separate components within them, and therefore I can detect the flavors of the aromatics more easily. I'm also one of those that now advises that aromatics are best once a smoker has gained more experience with other blends types. There are many different reasons for this. When you're a new pipe smoker, you tend to huff and puff on that overly stuffed pipe trying to get it smoking like a steam locomotive while trying to keep it lit and taste all the yummy chocolate cake/fruity/somekinda awesome desert flavors. You end up tasting an old cigarette ashtray instead and turning your tongue into a fiery chunk of leather. Once you've learned to properly pack your pipe, develop a cadence that doesn't melt your face off, and detect the separate components or flavors in a blend, then you can really get into aromatics and enjoy them. If you must have an aromatic early on, I would suggest a crossover blend such as Kramer's Blend for Cary Grant, or something simple such as Lane's BCA which although moist doesn't seem to bite the tongue as much as other goopy aros might.
Also, there was a minor Molto Dulce craze a while back when some of the non aro smokers discovered that an aromatic can indeed taste just like the tobacco smelled. And now you don't have to say something like... "Ok, don't laugh, but I really like Cornell & Peterson's Super Chocolaty Pineapple Supreme Cherry Vanilla Rumcake Delight."



Feb 21, 2013
Okay, anthony', you've let the cat out of the bag now, and some blender will certainly produce ...

"Cornell & Peterson's Super Chocolaty Pineapple Supreme Cherry Vanilla Rumcake Delight." We await the promotional material.

Jan 8, 2013
Okay, anthony', you've let the cat out of the bag now, and some blender will certainly produce ...

"Cornell & Peterson's Super Chocolaty Pineapple Supreme Cherry Vanilla Rumcake Delight." We await the promotional material.
It's going to be delightful :mrgreen:



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2015
Springfield, Mo
I occasionally smoked cigars before my wife tempted down the dark back alley of pipe obsession: a proper and refined addiction, to be sure. ... and I've been thanking her ever since! Unbeknownst to me at the time, the first pipe blend I began with was an aromatic; I found the taste rather light, sweet, and pleasantly nutty; however, being of cigar smoker, I craved stouter stuff. But, I thoroughly enjoyed the ritual and relaxation of the pipe; so, I did some research and talked to my local B&M (pre-my-second-home-days), and this led me to Night Cap and some other bolder blends.
I'd tried some other aromatic blends during this early exploration period, and they just didn't click with my taste at the time. It got to the point where the B&M crew gave up on trying to find that elusive, perfect aromatic fit. There were some crossover blends I enjoyed, but as a whole, aromatic didn't agree with me.
But, as a hobby evolves, so do your personal taste. I started enjoying straight Virginias and Va/Burs more frequently; and I even started diggin' some aromatics with a richer (anise or molasses, specifically) flavor profile, instead of the fruity overly sweet offerings. I do love me some C&D's Corn Cob Pipe this time of year!
Did I finally find the perfect aromatic match? Did I eventually learn to properly smoke a pipe? Did the gremlin that had been dousing my tobacco in vanilla essence and simple syrup die of diabetes? The only certainties in piping are poverty and Cap'n Black never being promoted to admiral.



Aug 20, 2013
I was taught to smoke natural over aromatic, and I went along. Now I smoke a few but, as I was taught, find plenty of flavor in the natural.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
There has always been a looking down the nose to an aromatic smoker that I never understood. Tobacco is tobacco who cares what's in it. If you are using a pipe to smoke it then you are a pipe smoker. When I first came to this site, I heard people talking about Boswell Aromatics. I had never tried an aromatic(even though I had smoked a pipe for about 15 years with a 3 year) so I grabbed a sampler pack and went at it. I really enjoyed some of the sweet flavors as I always have a sweet tooth. My only problem was with the amount of PG in the blends as they dried my mouth real bad. I gave up on those and other than Peterson University Flake , I stayed away from aromatics for a while.
I then tried Cult Blood Red Moon, Molto Dolce, Mac Baren Modern Virginia Flake and Vanilla Creme Flake and I have a decent cellar of those blends. To me they taste sweet, have a great room note and are perfect for my collection of Willmer pipes that are all group 5 and above. My kids love when I pull out the aro's as they really enjoy the room note, I wish I could smell it like they did.
If someone gives you shit because you smoke aromatics and they are English blend smokers, remind them that they are smoking tobacco that has been sitting over a pile of smoking camel shit.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I think it's only natural that aromatics get attention because they are around 90% of the tobaccos sold in the USA.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
It's all tobacco to me, and I smoke whatever I'm in the mood for. I still hold to the notion that proper smoking practices should be learned before smoking aros, but I was smoking a pipe for over 20 years before I knew of pipe forums and negative opinions of aros. Full flavored English and Burley blends should start the journey as they are the easiest to smoke. Then Virginia blends should follow due to their high sugar content. Aros should come last in the journey as haphazard packing and puffing will scorch a tongue. As my cellar stands now, it's around 5% English, 10% Burley, 60% Virginia/Perique/Oriental, and 25% Aromatic.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I was taught to smoke natural over aromatic, and I went along. Now I smoke a few but, as I was taught, find plenty of flavor in the natural.
Taught? Throw out the rules! Explore and enjoy!

Mar 29, 2016
I started pipe smoking with an OTC aromatic, not the best move, but I didn't know any better. While there are quality aros on the market, I prefer my tobaccos with the least casing and/or flavoring possible. That's not to say that I don't get tempted by a classic QUALITY aromatic once in a blue moon. I've met genuine aro smokers of all ages, I don't really understand the appeal for those tobaccos but to each his own. All tobaccos are cased and some are lightly topped so I don't see a reason to overdo it unless it's an acquired taste.



Dec 12, 2016
I have shared my opinion on aros a few times before - I guess it's a rooted thing that new pipe smokers kick it off with some aromatic, and than upgrade their inventory to more "complex" stuff. I don't know, I am for the aro crave, I always keep a blend in my rotation, as I am constantly in search for that blend that I would fall in love with. My most recent venture in this direction is Vauen's The Shire ... a good quality blend, but not that satisfying for me. I may have a prejudice against aromatics, originating from the opinion that the best tobacco flavor comes naturally or by topping with natural ingredients. Now what can you add to a heap of tobacco to make it taste (poorly in many cases) like chocolate for example? Some chemical ingredient, or at least that's what is going on in my ignorant mind. All in all, a good aromatic is enjoyable every so often, but definitely not the norm for me. I will give credit to chasingambers, some aromatics can be complex and they play with a much more subtle taste pallet, but for me the most satisfying tobacco comes from the natural taste. That's what actually intrigues me in pipe smoking - how the variations of the same plant can yield such a diversified taste by combining the leaf in countless ways, in its natural form.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Yup, now they use horse.



Jul 21, 2015
My guess: a new generation of pipe smokers got experienced enough to be able to enjoy aros, but still found them not a compelling smoke, while at the same time interacting with people who are aro smokers and enjoy them.
I'll say it again: this often comes down to personal chemistry. For me, most aromatics are basically toxic, where most of the natural leaf is not irritating. If I were to smoke aromatics, the incense-like UK aromatics would be my choice.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 26, 2014
Not completely sure if public opinion has changed, but at least mine did. I discovered Autumn Evening. I've even taken a liking to Carter Hall, which I started using to break in new pipes.

I guess the key, personally, is that the blend not be goopy and that the topping complements the flavor profile of the tobaccos used.

Like almost everyone, I started with aromatics, then abandoned them as soon as I discovered latakia, falling for the idea that they were training wheels, and now I was smoking the real stuff.

I agree with most of you. Once you have a bit more experience you can taste the nuances better and enjoy them more without scorching your tongue.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 25, 2016
Aros seem popular amongst the Millennial generation, kids about 20 to 25 year old that have picked up the pipe for whatever reason. You can feel that on the Reddit forums for pipe smoking. They take their Captain Black Grape seriously.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2017
Well, it seems younger people usually like sweet and fruity flavors, so I guess new young smokers are automatically attracted to the cheaper aromatics. Unfortunately the pouch smell and room note usually doesn't translate into flavor. And it doesn't help that many tobacco shop employees recommend these sweet, wet, flavorless aros to new smokers.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out how those chemical concoctions known as Captain Black and other low quality aromatics are popular and sell so well.
But to each their own. Smoke what you like. :puffy:


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
For the life of me, I cannot figure out how those chemical concoctions known as Captain Black and other low quality aromatics are popular and sell so well.
Probably people who have smoked for decades, and can taste how the blends smell.

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