Welcome from Green County, WI!
Some good advice for starting out that I'm just repeating from elsewhere on these forums: if you have access to a Brick and Mortar tobacconist, it's the best place to start as they ought to have open jars of things you can smell to start narrowing down what you might like to smoke.
If mail order is your option, for whatever reason, invest a little in two each of a 'straight Virginia', 'Virginia perique', 'English (has Latakia)', 'virginia oriental (like the previous category, but no Latakia)', and one fruit and one liquor aromatic.
Going back and forth between these categories and A/B-ing inside them is a great way to start narrowing down your preferences. It also keeps you from accumulating too much too quickly - most of which you won't get around to smoking because it's in a category you don't currently favor.