I'm in my late 30's, but my three pipe smoking buddies in my area are all between 29-33. If you look around on Instagram or Reddit, you'll see a lot of young guys picking up the pipe, usually to emulate their favorite movie and literary characters, writers, scientists, or philosophers. Some because of fond memories of a relative.
I first tried smoking a pipe in college -back in 2000- and wish I'd stuck with it, but I puffed too fast and aromatics burned my tongue. Didn't discover the pleasures of straight Va flakes, VaPers, and lovely latakia until about 17 years later..
Anyway. Welcome to PM forum! No where else I'd rather be...
Buncha grumpy old cusses, know-it-alls, know nothings, and blue-ribbon flashing pissing contest winners here, that can also occasionally double as knowledgeable, kind-hearted, friendly, helpful mentors and guides. Just beware of the ViciousVegetarians?, Burley-Breath Boomers?

, and the Pirates of Penzance? and you'll have a great time!?