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Might Stick Around
Sep 7, 2012
Hello Everyone,

I am kallol from India. I have recently started smoking pipe regularly. I am a 20+ yr cigarette smoker and i also smoke habanos.

I have been reading your posts particularly on pipe tobacco as that seems to be an ardous journey - trying to figure out what i like interms of flavour, strength, etc.

I must say that i have learnt quite a bit from the posts here and have purchased (and am continuing to purchase) pipe tobacco according to member recomendations and reviews. Thanks to all, and hope to have a great time here.



Sep 8, 2012
i am a wicked new at all of this.. that last time i smoked a pipe was in collage and a few times it was with tobacco. i have been in the army now for 8 years and some months, two kids, wife, two dogs, two fish, 3 deployments, 34 years of age and am watching LOTR right now with my 7 yr boy and 4 yr girl. my first pipe and tobacco will be here in a few days and i am way geeked out. my first choice was dr. grabow pipe and Sutliff Private Stock Blend - Maple Street. if i chose poorly please give me some advise.



Sep 8, 2012
Hello all,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm from western Massachusetts -- about 90 miles outside of Boston. I've been smoking a pipe on and off for over 35 years. I mostly stick with English and Balkan blends. I have a very modest pipe collection of around 10 pipes. But in that group are two Radices that I really love. I look forward to being a member of he forum.



Might Stick Around
May 22, 2012
Greater Boston
Hi Paul!
I used to live in Greenfield, and South Hadley. I'm stuck over on the eastern side now. :) Was out to South Deerfield and Rowe a few weeks ago for my annual visit, and was so disappointed to discover exactly NO tobac shops out that way! Goodness, it's nice to have online resources, isn't it? Where do you get your pipes and tobac from out that way?
Radices make me swoon.
Anyway, welcome. This is a nice forum and you'll connect with some nice and knowledgeable people here. Pull up a recliner and grab your pipe for a nice smoke! :puffy:



Sep 8, 2012
Hi all! I am a fairly regular cigar smoker and I just bought my first pipe yesterday. I have smoked it twice so far and I like it alot(just hoping I can get the packing bit down sooner than later). I can already tell it's going to be a very different experience than with the cigar. It's a different kind of ritual, but still very relaxing. I have very fond memories of my grandmother smoking a corncob with Sir Walter Raleigh, so in her honor I think I will try that pipe/tobacco combo soon. Cheers!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 24, 2012
Athens, Greece
Hello there!

I am from Greece, a student of English Literature in the Faculty of the University of Athens,

and I have been smoking a pipe for about a year.

I have two briars, I might order a few Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cobs, and I'm looking forward to exploring the world of pipe tobacco essence and lifestyle!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 9, 2012
Hello Everyone,
I am new to pipe smoking, and I mean new, I've been smoking for just under a week now. I am a Canadian despite the profile claiming otherwise. I currently life in Edmonton Alberta where my local Tobacconist has helped me enter this great hobby and way of life. I am also taking part in other manly ventures such as growing a beard and brewing beer. I look forward to many quality conversations with all of you!



Sep 9, 2012
Hey everyone, I'm new to the site and new to pipe smoking, coming to you from the Great North Woods of New Hampshire. I've been intrigued with pipe smoking since around 2002 when a co-worker of mine used to smoke on the job, and I will never forget the first time I got the aroma. It was amazing and still one of my favorite scents.
I'm only 28 years old and a regular cigar smoker, but it's my turn with pipes now and I'm excited to talk to you all and get some good advice as I haven't even made my first pipe purchase yet! Thanks in advance for the help.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 3, 2012
Hello to everyone here. I am a new pipe smoker , just getting started. This web site along with other internet sites have been very very helpfull in getting me going. I had been considering getting into pipe smoking about 10 years ago but never did. I have never smoked all my life but had always enjoyed the aroma of some of the pipe smokers that were around when I was a kid. So this year when I was sitting out on my back porch enjoying a very pleasant evening with a friend who smokes cigarettes I mentioned to him how I felt about getting myself a pipe. We talked about it off & on for months and I kept telling him about the fond memories that I had of when I would be visiting at my Uncles place & how great it smelt when the guys would smoke pipe on the porch or in the smoke room. I am now 50 years old & decided to look into it again. This is where this site & other internet site really really helped me out. Right here were I live , in Northern Ontario, Canada I don't know any pipe smokers anymore so these internet sites were so helpfull with all kinds of great info. This is why I am now smoking pipe & enjoying it tremendously. Thanks to all of you !! Tonight I am going to enjoy a nice bowl of MacBaren's Vanilla Cream in my Peterson Pipe along with my cigarette smoking buddy who has now joined me as a Pipe smoker. Its great to sit back, relax & enjoy a quiet evening on the back deck having a smoke of some of our favourite tobaccos while watching the boats go by. Right now we are up to 6 different blends of tobacco in our tasting & trying. Over here in Northen Ontario getting any tobacco other than Captain Black at over $24.00 for a 1.5 oz pack is almost impossible. This again is where these internet sites have been amazing. WOW !!!! now we can order from sites like PipesandCigars and SmokingPipes and enjoy choosing from an amazing selection of tobaccos at prices way cheaper than up here in Canada even with shipping cost. So thanks again to everyone & hope to be around for a long time.



Sep 12, 2012
Been lurking for a few months, decided to join. My grandfather and uncles and some cousins are pipe smokers, followed the tradition as soon as I turned 18. I'm also a brewer and wine maker and collector, though I usually drink carbonated water and tea while smoking. Looking into learning about blending, and more useful information this board has to offer.



Sep 11, 2012
Hello friends, I would introduce myself for the second time. My previous account was brando71 but unfortunately, I had it deleted because I involuntary break some forums rules in a couple of threads I posted some days ago. I will be more careful in the future. I was invited by the administrator Kevin to open a second account.
My name is Luigi and I started to smoke 20 years ago. I'm 41 and my main passion is the vintage pipe tobaccos collecting. I'm italian but I'm living in Bogotá, Colombia because my wife is Colombian, I was blessed with the born of my first baby Luna, 11 months ago. A former biomedical engineer, I'm following my dream to be an Italian chef with my two restaurants in this Country. My favs pipes are the italian brands, such like Castello, Bonfiglioli, etc. I prefer non-aromatic tobaccos and especially the American blends. Cheers!



Sep 12, 2012
Hey, I've been smoking for nearly a year, since I turned eighteen. My social skills are not the best, I tend to run in circles, so I apologize to everyone for that in advance. But yeah, hey.
I currently live in Florida, but have traveled all over the world (Army child). I'm a classical musician, and also have autism, so I again apologize for any weirdness I give off on the forums.



Sep 11, 2012
Hi everyone!
I just started smoking 2 weeks ago and after discovering that I have several questions I found these forums. I started out going to a local Edward's shop (Im in Colorado) and bought a cheap LaRocca pipe and a couple Edward's brand blends. I bought a more traditional tobacco-y type, and a raspberry aromatic. I soon discovered that I dont want to smoke both of those out of the same pipe because I was getting the raspberry flavor when I smoked the other type. So I bought another pipe and a third Edward's tobacco.
Now I've ordered two more pipes online, and on a trip to Estes Park I went to a tobacco shop and bought 3 of his blends. I have a bunch of questions now, but I suppose its more proper to make those into threads in appropriate forums instead of here. Looking foward to your helpful advice, and snide comments as I know the internet is typically prone to provide :) (lol)



Sep 11, 2012
Hello everyone! What a great site! Just started smoking pipe a couple weeks ago. Long time cigar and Swedish snus lover, exploring pipes and tobacco has been so much fun, what I'm most surprised about is the influx of friend requests on this site even before I post! Look forward to many great conversations with everyone, my favorite times with the pipe are drinking single malt scotch and reading great books anyone want to join in good conversation let me know, looking forward to hearing from everyone, cheers!



Sep 12, 2012
Hello My name is Craig,

II smoke mainly English & Balkan blends. I like Comoys Square shank apple and billiard style pipes, Vintage Dunhill 250, 251, 252, 253 series, and Peterson "system" pipes. My Favorite pipe at the moment is a is a second hand long stem Canadian with "DUSKY DULCET" stamped on it, It sets in the mouth well and smokes as well as any I own.



Sep 12, 2012
Hello All - Long time pipe smoker(ie: old coot)and ran across this forum a while back. Lots of good info here and I enjoy reading about everyones taste, preferences, etc.

Decided to join so I could throw my 2c in once in a while.

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