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Jun 23, 2015
North Carolina
Hello from North Carolina!
Just finished a bowl of Frog Morton's Cellar. Mmmm Mmmm good.

Picked the pipe back up after about 15 years.. Looking forward

to some of the posts.



Jul 3, 2015
I’m always brought to the forums section of this site when searching for pipe related knowledge on the interweb. Everyone seems extrememly helpful and kind so I decied to join. I’m not much of an interactive person but I do troll the boards daily before heading off to work while enjoying my morning pipe. I was a pipe smoker in my early twenties but was a little too young to enjoy the full pipe experience. Just rediscovered the joy of a good smoke and I am always seeking information on pipes and tobaccos to try.



May 17, 2015
Hello all pipers. I m new to pipe smoking. Enjoy it very much. I posted a question in the beginner section on sleep disorder relating to pipe smoking.

Feel free to contribute. Love to hear from you.

Also if u are planing to come to Malaysia pls pm me we could plan something.





Jul 10, 2015
Dalzell, South Carolina
Hello All. My name is Ray Mackessy and I've been a lurker for a number of years but finally decided to join. I am also a member at Pipesmokers Forum, Pipe Chat & Smokers Forum. I've been a pipe smoker since 1983 and enjoy mostly burley, burley/Virginia and aromatics. I do however smoke English blends from time to time as well as Va/Per & straight Virginias. My pipe collection is 104 strong at the present with mostly cobs and Falcons. Other brands I have are Savinelli, Peterson, Grabows, Kaywoodies and some no names. I am 68 yrs old, married 46 yrs with 3 children and 7 grandchildren. I'm originally from Baltimore, Md and have lived in Dalzell, SC for the past 30 yrs. I am a retired law enforcement officer with 38 yrs of service. I'm happy to be a member here and hope my participation will be welcomed.



Jul 12, 2015
Hi guys I'm new here. Been checking this site for tips and info for a while and finally decided to join you all. My names Gareth and im from New Zealand.



Can't Leave
Jul 13, 2015
Unesco world heritage
Hi. My name is Thomas. I'm 47 and living in Bern/Switzerland. I was smoking pipes for many years until I quit some 10 years ago. I just restarted some days ago. In fact I still own a small collection of nice pipes that I decided would just be a waste lying around unused. I'm looking forward to many interesting discussions on this forum.



May 17, 2015
Hi all
Another new member from Switzerland (Zurich, Baden area) :)
My name is Adrian and I've only been smoking pipes for a few months. I've been an avid cigar smoker for the last 15 to 20 years but recently switched to pipes simply because they are easier to pickup up, put down when one of the kids decides to get out of bed and then relight etc.
I have fond memories of my grandad and dad smoking pipes, cleaning and packing grandad's Falcons used to be my Saturday morning job when young (trying his snuff at the same time). I picked up a Davidoff pipe about 10 years ago along with a couple of tobaccos, i only recall that one was a cherry cavendish, but it did not really work out and the pipe sat on the top of my humidor for a long time.
I now have a nice collection of pipes and tobaccos and can be found most evenings working at the table on our back porch, puffing away on a nice Virginia flake or my favourite Frog Morton's Cellar.
I've also started buying up estate pipes on the local auction sites and am learning to renovate them - I'm looking forward to finishing my studies next February and having some free time that i can use to learn to carve my own pipes.
The PM radio show was a fantastic find and I'm steadily working my way through the back catalogue on my daily commute - keep up the good work!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2015
Olympia, WA
Hello, all! I started smoking a pipe over 20 years ago but didn't get "serious" about it until about 5 or 6 years ago (meaning I started smoking something other than cherry cavendish!). Having said that, I still have so much to learn! I've been a lurker on this site for some time, have read many discussions amongst the pros, and have finally bit the social media bullet and joined. Looking forward to some great conversation with you guys!



Jul 21, 2015
Hello pipers,
New to the page.
I'm sure y'all get this a lot . However, I'll offer my inquiry.
I've smoked pipes for years off and on, usually using a grabow pipe (I know).., but lately have really wanted to get back into pipe smoking and dedicate to this art form the proper attention it deserves, as pipe smoking is the Bonsai of tobacco... A few questions/concerns for the novice....
1.. I've been contemplating getting a Missouri meerschaum Cobb because ( they are quite affordable and don't really cake).. But, I am not a fan of the Cobb aesthetically ..As I have yet to find my Tobacco blend, this seems a good choice financially and will allow me to sample many different blends without mixing previous burns...... Thoughts/opinions ???
2. ..tobacco ..??.... I do enjoy a heavy aroma, though I prefer taste over smell??..... I like a deep heavy taste (vanilla, cherry, etc) but want the smooth burn free of bite been looking atMississippi River... Or frog Morton ... Maybe even a mix of campy black and something else ...thoughts ???
I live in the spring area of Houston tx and haven't been able to locate any pipe shops or clubs near me and none of my friends ( limited in number as they may be, smoke pipes ).....
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated .. Thank you for your time .

Or in the off chance that someone would be willing to send me a few small samples of something... As I'm not sure if I'm looking for a. Va, burley, English or heavy Latakia ??
Semper Fidelis,

Jul 23, 2015
Hey everyone! I am memooseandmepipe from up here in beautiful Canada. I have just started pipe smoking, have really no idea about any of it but so far it helps me way better then my meds do!! For me its not just about the hobby but also it has health benefits for myself. I am currently a student so I have no income to put towards pipe tobacco or pipes, I have a corn cob pipe and buy the cheapest tobacco I can find! If anyone has any tips and tricks on better pipes and good tabaccos, yet still keeping it cheap please let me know! As I said its more then simply a hobby for me! Thanks for the forum though! Cheers



Jul 23, 2015
Hi all, 46 year old living in West Yorkshire in the UK, recently converted to the pipe from cigarettes. Given a Peterson by a ex-army buddy with a tin of Erinmore mixture and loved it straight off. Usually try to keep it to the evenings or when I'm out fishing or hiking as I've only the Pete and a falcon international at the moment but always on the lookout at car boots and on the web for reasonably priced estates to bring back to life. Looking forward to learning from the group on here. Thanks for having me.



Jul 24, 2015
Hello everyone.
I live in Scotland, and have recently inherited a vintage pipe collection from my great grandfather. I've joined this forum to hopefully learn more about the pipes, which i have made a forum topic about here:
Looking forward to learning more.



Jul 24, 2015
New pipe smoker, 39 years old, from Ohio. I've been reading this forum for awhile. Every time I search the internet for answers to a pipe-related question, I ended up here. I quit cigarettes 2 years ago and am a very new pipe smoker. Smoked a pipe for the first time just 2 months ago. Couldn't believe how enjoyable it was. The quality of tobacco is so much better than cigs EVEN with the cheap OTC brands. So far I just have 4 cheap briars, mostly Dr. Grabows, and a ton of Missouri Meerschaum cobs. I'm trying to spend all of my money on tobaccos and learn what I like before I break the bank on pipes. Once I do, I know I'm in trouble. I'm an obsessive collector of things....Zippos, coins, watches, knives, Godzilla memorabilia, yeah I know that last one is weird! So many pipes look like fine pieces of art to me that I know I'm going to end up with way too many at some point.



Jul 24, 2015
Sixgunson, take the plunge and get a MM cob! I don't think you'll regret it. Even if you do, you can get them for under $10 so it's not a major loss. You can always use it as a disposable tester for new tobacco if nothing else. If looks are important, take a look at the MM Country Gentleman and Diplomats, if you haven't already. Very nice looking for cobs.



Might Stick Around
Jul 28, 2015
Long Island
Hello all ! I'm a 64 year old male who's been a pipe smoker on & off since 1969, but pretty much on for the last 5 years or so. That is if you don't count sneaking into the garage & smoking Dad's Sugar Barrel as a teen ! I really got into it @ 1972, while working on a golf course. A bunch of us youngsters there took it up after being shown the job by this old codger from Georgia called Gaylord. He was a very nice man who seemed to have his pipe glued to his mouth. He always smoked Holiday, which he kept in one of those fold up pouches. His pipe was a Dublin or Billiard shaped briar which had a cake built up so much, you'd be lucky if you could fit a wooden matchstick in the bowl. Anyway, we would all experiment with the many OTC blends back then, mostly the aro's like Middleton's Cherry, Paladin Black Cherry, Sail, Borkham Riff and my fav, Apple Blend. After quitting cigarettes for good in '81, I mainly alternated between the occasional cigar & tub of Sugar Barrel until I saw an ad in Thompson's Cigar catalogue for a five tin sampler of House of Windsor tobaccos. It was mainly that picture of Jean Hersholt(?) on the Country Doctor tin that piqued my interest. My order from Thompson never came through, sending me on an internet quest for Country Doctor. After a while, I found out that it had been discontinued & bought a lb. of a match blend from Pipes & Cigars. However, during my quest I discovered a world of tobacco I knew had existed but never tried: tins ! First it was Nightcap & Early Morning Pipe. Not being such a latakia fan, I quickly discovered & stocked up on McClelland, Cornell & Diehl, GW Pease & Samuel Gawith FVF, and the rare tins of Edgeworth I scored on ebay. I'm now just about cured of TAS, after loading up on a couple hundred tins of some favorites, although I'm sure I'll be back at it if the supplies start running low !



Jul 29, 2015
Hello there. Good to be here. Looking forward to learning the knowledge from you veteran pipe smokers. I am new to this and so far I am really enjoying it. Currently only have a Cob but it is working well. I have a Kaywoodie Drinkless on the way. Still new so im buying pipes slowly and trying them out to find what i like best. Really intrigued by Churchwardens, so that will im sure be my next buy. Currently only tired Lane 1Q and some Half&Half. I have put an order in on some Sutliff's Vanilla Custard. See how it goes.
Im 30 years old, have a 5 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. Married to a beautiful lady. She takes care of me and the kids so well. She is even supporting me in my pipe journey. She hates Cigarettes but loves the smell of Pipe Tobacco. So it works in my favor! I will get a picture up soon as possible.
Thank you for reading, look forward to chatting with you all.

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