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Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I get the RSS feed for this thread, so I read them all. Its kind of odd to reply to every new members intro, but interesting to see from where new members hail, etc. I suspect most new members don't subscribe to the thread, so they don't necessarily see any replies (my guess).



Feb 23, 2016
Hi, forgot to check in. Found this place because I moved back to my home state and found out I can't buy pipe tobacco on line. So here I am a crotchety old retired sailor. This a good forum and I enjoy all this very well.



Oct 16, 2009
Hi all
I am registered long ago, but I´m just participated, beyond read, think it's time to participate a little more
greetings from Spain



Can't Leave
Mar 6, 2016
South Carolina
Hey fellow pipers. Referred here by a buddy over on the Dr. Grabow Collectors forum, and there are a few other of my pals here already. Let's see if they admit to knowing me.
I'm in the upstate of SC, with a broad range of pipes in all sizes, shapes and finishes, and a big fan of tasty aromatics. I'll be poking around here shortly and hope to begin contributing as well.



Mar 7, 2016
Hi all,

I was a cigarette smoker for a number of years but stopped mid 90's

A few years ago I found an occasional cigar was quite enjoyable but the cost of a decent cigar always kept this habit in check.

I was in my local tobacconist and noticed that for the price of a good cigar I could get a nice supply of pipe tobacco.

After running through a few different pipes and tobaccos I have settled on a curved Falcon and have found I like Cavendish tobaccos and blends.

I look forward to picking the forums brains and gaining knowledge in my new pastime.



Mar 23, 2016
Greetings Pipe smokers!

I'm new here and just wanted to say Hello

I'm a long time pipe smoker and prefer english blends and Vapers but I'm also a flake freak.

For me there's nothing more relaxing than kicking back with a bowl and a cup of tea.

It's a pleasure and an honor to be here smoking with the best of em!

Hello, Ladies and Gents!
I am a thirty-two year old Scottish American teacher and soon-to-be Dad who recently discovered why his old man sits outside on the porch puffing away on his pipe.
Total. Relaxation. Period.
I grew up smelling “Carter Hall” pipe tobacco as my father puffed away around the house and in his shop. Many a manly morning was spent with my old man as we drove down the road in his robin egg blue Chevy truck. Every Saturday when we could, we would drive to the Bait and Tackle Shop to get some bait for fishing-Ah how I loved those innocent days and the scents!
As a father to be to a little girl, I picked up pipe smoking again (I had tried many years ago I add). I discovered how relaxing it could be. Now my old man and I when I visit can sit side by side and enjoy a silent “Pop and Boy” moment.

I also like the idea of my little girl when she hugs my neck, remembering that “daddy” smell, that comforted me. Maybe she will but maybe she will not, we will see.
On another note, my hobbies are:
-Salt Water and Fresh Water Fishing

-Baseball (Red Sox)

-Football (Cleveland Browns)





-Non-Fiction Reading

-Steam Punk

-DIY projects

-History (Colonial/European History/African History)
Either way guys, I am stoked to be here with you all and I look forward to chatting and learning from you guys.



Mar 25, 2016
Hello All,
I'm 32. I'm about a year and a half in - still experimenting with what I like. I have about 3 pipes i really enjoy so far and working on trying more blends. Joined up to learn as much as I can



Mar 25, 2016
How's it going, folks? I figured it was about time I joined, after years of intermittent lurking ... :wink:
Excluding experimental sampling as a kid, I started piping after buying a poorly restored "Italy" straight pot from my college town tobacconist 30 years ago. Still have it, too! Ugly pipe ... excellent smoker.



Mar 19, 2016
I am a newer pipe smoker in central Indiana, just south of Indianapolis.
When I was a kid, I would smell the bags of Cherry and Vanilla Cavendish at the grocery store and wish I could try them. Fast forward 30 years, I did just that! Wished I hadn't waited so long. Found out I really enjoy the English blends and now that I am learning to go slow, I have discovered aromatics can be pretty good too.
Thoroughly enjoying trying and learning about all the different types of blends out there. Hope to learn more from the wise and learned on the forums.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 29, 2016
Hi Everyone,

I am 43 and have been smoking a pipe for almost 20 years (lots of cigarettes before and during much of it, but mostly pipes and cigars now). **Actually, my "first" pipe was a cob in 1993 with a grocery store cherry blend**. I used to belong to a now defunct (*I think*) pipe forum called something like smokers forum. Members I remember were Frenchy, Pipesud, Ivan... If anyone else remembers this forum-correct me if I'm wrong on the name. I miss talking to fellow pipesmokers, as I mostly smoke at home when the kids are in bed and most of the people I know are not smokers or only cigarette and occasional cigar smokers.

I enjoy most pipe tobaccos, and choose the current smoke dependant on my current mood and taste. I really like and generally gravitate towards Vap/Per blends, and Full latakia blends. I also like the "nic kick" so often find myself smoking something with a burly. My home blends often contain an aromatic for a nice room note, but I also smoke straight naturals quite a bit. I only own one "High end" pipe (radice), and quite a few savinelli's, a mastro de paja, brebbia, nording, etc... and also enjoy cobs quite a bit and smoke my plain Dublin style meersham only occasionally. I really like the look and feel of the Italian pipes, and some of the Danish freehands. I have always wanted more high end Italian pipes and maybe a Dunhill. I am a single dad living in the Denver, CO area with 2 boys who are 10 and 7.

I don't know what else to write, but am looking forward to the commraderie I remember from talking to other pipe smokers.




Mar 31, 2016
Hello Everyone. My name is Ash and i have just taken up the hobby of pipe smoking. Unfortunately for me i live in Australia and pipes and tobacco are rare and expensive. (my 50g pouch of MB Vanilla cream set me back $68AUD, about $50USD :crying: ) Im hoping to find other Australian pipe smokers here on the forum. Thanks guys, look forward to chatting with you.



Mar 18, 2012
Gosh, apparently I was last online here 4 years ago. A lot has happened since then... lost my second parent, got divorced, moved permanently back to England. The constant has been my old man's Petersons, and a decent stash of Gawith's Skiff Mixture.



Apr 12, 2016
Western Washington
Hello fellow pipe smokers. My name is Jameson, and I've been enjoying the pipe smoking hobby for about two years now. I'm from Silverdale, Washington, but I get married in July and after that we will be moving to Spokane, WA. Attending school at Whitworth University, currently studying biology. I'd consider myself a weekend smoker, and so far I really enjoy a range of tobaccos, but especially VaPer and English/Balkan blends. Looking forward to being a part of this community! :puffy:



Might Stick Around
Apr 15, 2011
Hello from KY. I've been a registered member for 5 years, but I haven't really ever posted anything. Thought it was time to stop lurking and say hi. My tastes in pipes and tobaccos are all over the place, I just know what I like when I see it or taste it. Glad to be here.



Apr 16, 2016
Hello from Pennsylvania! I finally got the opportunity to start smoking on my 18th birthday last month. I had been listening to podcasts with my father for many, many years. Right now I only smoke on the weekends, because I am at boarding school and their rules are very strict. We did have a pipe club on campus, but, unfortunately, those days are long gone. The stories from the club are priceless, though. Although I haven't had much smoking experience I am learning each time I do. I have only smoked Frog Morton's Early Morning Pipe so far, but I am hoping to branch out next bowl! I love this hobby and the people I have been reading about. I can't wait to meet all of you in this great community.



Apr 19, 2016
Hey guys, been lurking here for a while, glad to some aboard! Love pipe smoking, been doing it for about 10 years, love riding my Honda Goldwing with the wife, and love my favorite show "Gunsmoke"...hmm...I'm only 33, maybe I was born at the wrong time! :D



Feb 11, 2016
Kent, England
Hello all.

This intro is a bit belated.
I have been smoking pipes for about 6ish years but 2 years enthusiastically. Am also a cigar lover and also a big shisha enthusiast.
I am also into my tipple (i.e. good real ales/craft beer, whiskies and the occasional wine).
I have quite several pipes in my collection including Petersons, Rattrays, Stanwell, Erik Nording etcc.

My favourite blends often include a good dose of Latakia.
I live in the South East of England.
Looking forward to many good years of pleasing passionate piping pleasure!!



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
Hello Folks,
New member here, been smoking pipes and cigars on and off since the '70's and recently decided to get back into pipes in a big way and have bought a number of new and estate pipes. Great site here and I might be asking a few questions from those more knowledgeable about the best restoration techniques for some of my pipes, particularly one very special one just brought in from Latvia.



Apr 27, 2016
Hello All,
New to the enjoyment of pipe smoking. Came here in search of aromatic tobacco's. Great site with lots of info. Thanks!

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