Hi Everyone,
I am 43 and have been smoking a pipe for almost 20 years (lots of cigarettes before and during much of it, but mostly pipes and cigars now). **Actually, my "first" pipe was a cob in 1993 with a grocery store cherry blend**. I used to belong to a now defunct (*I think*) pipe forum called something like smokers forum. Members I remember were Frenchy, Pipesud, Ivan... If anyone else remembers this forum-correct me if I'm wrong on the name. I miss talking to fellow pipesmokers, as I mostly smoke at home when the kids are in bed and most of the people I know are not smokers or only cigarette and occasional cigar smokers.
I enjoy most pipe tobaccos, and choose the current smoke dependant on my current mood and taste. I really like and generally gravitate towards Vap/Per blends, and Full latakia blends. I also like the "nic kick" so often find myself smoking something with a burly. My home blends often contain an aromatic for a nice room note, but I also smoke straight naturals quite a bit. I only own one "High end" pipe (radice), and quite a few savinelli's, a mastro de paja, brebbia, nording, etc... and also enjoy cobs quite a bit and smoke my plain Dublin style meersham only occasionally. I really like the look and feel of the Italian pipes, and some of the Danish freehands. I have always wanted more high end Italian pipes and maybe a Dunhill. I am a single dad living in the Denver, CO area with 2 boys who are 10 and 7.
I don't know what else to write, but am looking forward to the commraderie I remember from talking to other pipe smokers.