Gosh it's like having kids, the time goes by so fast. Well, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the box. Was great to sample lots of things I haven't had before. Even with the amount I smoked, and I took a few samples to try later, this thing is still popping the box top open.
As for the blends I tried an liked. Key Largo is one I'll cellar, as is Capstan Blue. I smoked a bowl of the 98 Christmas Cheer, and although I wish I could say it was really great, I can't. I really have a hard time "getting" straight VAs. It was however, a first for the Christmas Cheer offerings I've had. I'll keep working on the VAs and perhaps one day it will click. The Lane's Crown Achievement was good, as was the Sterling Balkan. I did enjoy the DarkFired blending tobacco, it really did taste a lot like ODF. I think that mixed with some McClelland's 5100 RedCake will make for a nice smoke. I got the ODF and Red Cake idea from a forum member posting in what are you smoking, and I find myself smoking that more often than I do ODF straight. If the Dark Fired and Red Cake mix works for me, I may just abandon ODF all together, time shall tell. There was so many other that I was glad to have tried. Some were ok, some not as much. It's good to have the ablity to try a bowl or two of a blend, and find out it was/wasn't for you. It helps with narrowing down the choices for cellar stocking.
The Semois was a unique smoke for sure, I'll buy some just to have the "weirdo in the corner" of my cellar staring at all the pretty girls. Speaking of weirdos I didn't have a chance to smoke some Condor, but I did pull a bowl or two out to try in the coming days, so I'm looking forward to that.
The sleeper hit for me was the Edward G. Robinson Pipe Blend. I have to admit since it's listed as an aromatic, I didn't think I would like it. Boy was I wrong, I think I had about 4 bowls of that stuff. Great all day smoke for with burley and a hint of latakia to keep things interesting. I had been holding off on a P&C order until I finished with the box pass, and I threw 3 tins in. My next order to smokingpipes will garner a tub. I like being surprised, and that blend really had me doing a double take.
As for my additions, I replenished the Gaslight sample. I noticed the box didn't have a single C&D blend, so I threw in some Exhausted Rooster, Oriental Silk, and my current C&D favorite Billy Budd. I also added some Captain Earle's - Private Stock as I'm a fan of the Capt. Earle series. I also added some McClelland's Royal Cajun, and an aromatic I picked up when I was at Low Country tobacco called "Clarks's Blend". Oh, I also replaced the box since it was suggested from the member that handed it off to me.
So, that's it, I can hear the music starting and the producer is giving me the "wrap it up" sign, so I'd like to thank everyone that helped put the box pass together, and most of all,
woodsroad for really putting the extra effort to make sure this is done right. You're a good man Charlie Brown.
Lordnoble if you're ready for the hand off, I'll shoot this out in the next day or so.