This is officially my new kitten. She'll be arriving next week from a breeder in Pittsburgh, PA. She's a six month old Savannah cat and already as large as a regular cat. She'll be around 25-30lbs when full grown and capable of jumping 8ft from a dead standstill. They are a mix of the African Serval and domestic cat. They're extremely confident cats and happy to walk on leash, play fetch, smoke a pipe, and other standard dog like activities.
There's an amazing documentary made by National Geographic a few years ago called Eye Of The Leopard which follows an individual female Leopard from cub through adulthood. They named her Legadema. It's Swahili for Lightening. I kinda borrowed from that and named my new kitten Lego. My other cat is Tivo. Tivo & Lego... sounds like a feline crime fighting team
There's an amazing documentary made by National Geographic a few years ago called Eye Of The Leopard which follows an individual female Leopard from cub through adulthood. They named her Legadema. It's Swahili for Lightening. I kinda borrowed from that and named my new kitten Lego. My other cat is Tivo. Tivo & Lego... sounds like a feline crime fighting team