When I went off to college, I took my little grey cat out to my granddad's place, because I couldn't keep a cat in the dorms. So, a few years latter when I moved out of the dorms into my own place, I went to get my cat only to find my little female had matted with a Linx that my granddad was feeding and had named Garfield, although he never got close to it or let it in the house. It had taken to lording itself over the yard while relaxing on top of the wellhouse.
My granddad had said that a few of the kittens he had tamed. So, he had one packed into a box for me to take to my new apartment. It was grey with white socks and crazy tufts of hair on top of each ear and sideburn/manes on each side of its head like the linx, really cool looking. I had a 69 Fastback, and I dropped by to pick up my new cat, that I named Bootsy. But, about halfway across the state, the cat had eaten itself out of the box, and was shredding my backseats while making a wild guttural noise. It was a two and a half hour drive, and I was sweating, feeling like if I remained as still as possible, it wouldn't notice me, and eat me. But, the upholstery was ruined, the whole seat was ruined actually.
I got it home, and within a week, it weighed twice as much and a regular house cat. But, no one could pet it but me. But, I had constant slices and scars on my arms and face, just from playing with it, even while wearing welding gloves. But, it would sleep with me, making me terrified that I might move to abruptly in bed and get attacked. Or, it would think that my foot was a rodent under the covers and I would have to get stitches.
Then one day, it just disappeared, along with a whole pane of glass from a window.
From then on, I sort of lost my interest in big cats, and I was sort of relieved when it ran away. I did drive around a little making a show of looking for it. But, I am not sure that I really wanted to find it. I keep thinking that someone out there probably tried to pick that cat up, thinking that it was a cute stray cat, and probably ended up in the ER.