My Local Tobacco Shop Does Not Want My Business

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May 4, 2011
What part of St. Louis is the shop in. I can't imagine a shop in the city advertizing that no one is armed in there. If it's anywhere near my wife's old neighborhood (Northside), that guy's an idiot! If it's out in the county, I could maybe understand, but I'd still probably look elsewhere to shop.
Why you don't want to leave your gun in your car in Saint Louis is because by the time you come out of the shop that gun and most of your car won't be there!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2012
Bel Air, MD
But I couldn't take it off just to make someone else feel better about themselves
Agree. Highly agree. But...
Considering the mass shooting in CT a few weeks ago, you should have no problem respecting the wishes of the shop. Hopefully you will reconsider and return to the shop. You may even make some new friends as a result.
I don't entirely disagree with that.
Am I helping? No? Yeah, I didn't think so. But in my case I'd just wear my big peacoat into the shop with my .45 tucked safely on my side and out of sight, which you can do if it is cold or chilly where you are.
Edit: You're in St. Louis? Isn't like -10 there all year around? O.o :rofl:



Jul 13, 2010
I'm sure we're all aware that this thread has the potential to get too political (it's waivering right now). If it does go downhill, I'll shut it down. This is a very sore subject right now and as thebigar said:

i know that today there are no people without an opinion on guns
Please let 's remember that opinions are like belly buttons. Everyone has one, and no one's is wrong. Thanks.



Sep 14, 2011
i cant give up my rights or opinions for other people
You would not be "giving it up"; you would be choosing not to exercise it,in the interests of making a tobacco purchase. There is a substantial difference.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 14, 2012
Call them up and ask what they charge for a tin of your favorite tobacco. If it is $23 for an otherwise $10 tin then screw'em anyway. If they seem reasonable then support the hell out of them. I still have a hard time believing that the sign actually deterred you from going inside and checking it out. What are they going to do? Shoot you?



Can't Leave
Nov 26, 2011
New Jersey
if you truly have it concealed and not printing simply walk in and and get whatever you need. the only place I wouldn't do it is Gov buildings, schools, banks and bars.

+10. Concealed means concealed: concealed from sight as well as concealed from knowledge. There's no need to let on that you carry; it's bad form.
i wont give up my rights for other people

Sorry, but if you're on private property his rights trump yours.
As an NRA member and a CCW permit holder I would ask you to please consider this: stop making an issue of this with the shop owner. It's one thing to respectfully probe the guys thoughts and reasoning while engaged in dialogue, and quite another to take it to the next level. In today's political climate where the very idea of gun ownership is under relentless attack we don't need people like the shop owner mouthing off to his politically correct friends and customers about some "gun fanatic" giving him a hard time. Bad PR.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 23, 2010
Again, just vote with your wallet.
No contact, no hassles, no drama.



May 4, 2011
Yep. What mlaug said. The local B&M here is indifferent, but I didn't bring my CCW in with me last time. Every time we meet up there, there are 5 or 6 armed Dallas police in there smoking cigars with their police vehicles parked out front. I figure they got us covered.



Jul 30, 2012
+1 radio, also, if it says no handguns, I am not bring one in. His rights, my choice.

Just like I don't like the Gov. telling me I can't smoke in my own business (or no smoking in what used to be a cigar bar). If someone doesn't like it, don't go in.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
Austin, TX
Sadly, some of the comments from CHL holders that I've seen paint the worst picture of the type of people who choose to carry a concealed weapon. I've seen the rude and relentless bashing of business owners who post signs prohibiting carry on their property. I've seen it go as far as people nit picking the details of the sign such as exact wording, size and font of the lettering, location of posting, etc just to make their point. In Texas, the Penal Code 30.06 sign has some very specific requirements to be considered valid. Some take these requirements way too far and just end up making things more difficult than they should be.
It's a simple matter of respect. If I go somewhere that prohibits me from carrying a weapon, I either willingly disarm or simply choose not to give them my business. In some cases it may be appropriate to inquire as to why the business chose to post the sign and more often than not it's a matter of corporate policy from higher up the chain such as stores like Ikea near my home which recently posted the signs. The point is, I want people to respect my right to legally carry a firearm should I chose to do so in accordance with the law (properly concealed of course) and in return I will respect their rights.
Unfortunately with this topic being one hot political subjects right now, these things aren't always so simple.

Aug 14, 2012
This is a scary post. A lot of you guys are walking around armed because you fear for your lives. I am reconsidering any plans I night have had to move out west (was thinking about Colorado). I used to be an archer. Are we allowed to carry those?



Sep 20, 2011
The owner of the private property has every right to tell you what you can or cannot do on his property.
And you have every right to not patronize his business.
Personally, I would not spend a penny at a business that asked me not to carry a firearm, ignorant as he must be of history and politics.



Oct 17, 2012
I love all this; "the owner has the right.." and respect the owners right.... If the Shop owner said, no political Speech or Religious symbols allowed..
would you take off your religious "cross" or remove your Jewish or Muslim Head coverings... or would you remove your favorite political party t-shirt before you entered so as to "repspect" his right... or would you stand firm to your right to free expression and walk right in......
I'm just sayin'........



Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
I saw the news while I was on the treadmill, with lines out the door for people getting concealed carry licenses, supposedly most of them teachers.
The way I see it, guns aren't the problem. Whackos aren't even the problem. It's when a whacko gets his hands on a gun.

How do you legislate this situation without angering anyone? Wish it could be, but it doesn't seem possible to me.



Sep 20, 2011
bsc: I understand. Completely. But if private property is not sacred, nothing is. If the business owner is wrong, in your example, the market will put him out of business.



May 11, 2012
I love all this; "the owner has the right.." and respect the owners right.... If the Shop owner said, no political Speech or Religious symbols allowed..
would you take off your religious "cross" or remove your Jewish or Muslim Head coverings... or would you remove your favorite political party t-shirt before you entered so as to "repspect" his right... or would you stand firm to your right to free expression and walk right in......
I'm just sayin'.....
if it's my private property/business I set the rules.. if you don't like my rules vote you your wallet and move on.



Nov 20, 2012
Business/property owners used to post "No Blacks" in front of restaurants, etc. Did they have the right to do that?



Sep 14, 2011
Business/property owners used to post "No Blacks" in front of restaurants, etc. Did they have the right to do that?
Nope,but they did it anyway,because local law allowed it.
Analogy is shaky, however. You can't change the color of your skin; you can choose not to carry a firearm.



Nov 20, 2012
The analogy was shaky but it shows how things can get a little carried away. My position is that if you are doing something, like carrying a weapon legally, you shouldn't be barred from entering an establishment. This type of thing can get out-of-control and step on a lawful person's rights. We don't ban someone from an establishment because they are someone or do something legal that makes us uncomfortable. I don't carry a gun but I respect other people's rights to do so as long as they do so legally.

That being said, I would leave my gun in the car and go into the pipe shop an voice my opinion to the owner.

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