ebay.com frightens me. Not because it's in any way malicious, but because of the way I can drop through the rabbit hole and- like Alice - become fascinated with creations I've never heard of or thought of before. I started my latest adventure browsing for a tidy, small, Italian estate pipe that would catch my eye and prove too expensive in the auction. What I bought was a Danish beauty with an XXL bowl that would be 'pleasant to hold in the hand' and promises 2 hours enjoyment. Who knew?
I don't own any large pipes. Correction - I didn't own any large pipes. But now I'm flushed with success, pride, and more than a little trepidation. I give you my latest love and first ever estate pipe: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stanwell-Brass-Band-95-Design-Sixten-Ivarsson-Beautiful-Danish-briar-pipe-/371013743300?nma=true&si=jrquAa1VgYdbAXnCD0omasD4rL0%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
Be gentle with me.
I don't own any large pipes. Correction - I didn't own any large pipes. But now I'm flushed with success, pride, and more than a little trepidation. I give you my latest love and first ever estate pipe: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stanwell-Brass-Band-95-Design-Sixten-Ivarsson-Beautiful-Danish-briar-pipe-/371013743300?nma=true&si=jrquAa1VgYdbAXnCD0omasD4rL0%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
Be gentle with me.