Knows what a churchwarden pipe looks like by the long stems.
he is sitting with a pipe catalog pointing at the churchwardens telling my wife daddy needs this one and this one and this one too. Lol its just so damn cute!
Well that makes me feel so much better, my boy is 3 as well and he has a Yello-Bole brylon and he is my eyes at the antique shops.It's amazing how he can spot a pipe/rack across the room there
me too I can't find them anywhere...I've looked on E-bay,craigslist,thrift stores and antique shops but can't find them anywhere,that's why I gave him the Yello-Bole....I have a pic of both of us with our pipes,if I can find it I'll post it
I was hesitant to post about my boy and my pipes, but since someone else started the thread, this is my two-year old Duncan. He's always asking if it's "Pipe time dad. Bacca."; and despite my gifting him an (unsmoked) no-name rusticated Canadian (much to my rampid anti-smoking mother-in-laws chagrin), if I happen to leave a smoker within reach, this is the result:
Invicta Banker
House of Lords Zulu
He also loves to sit on my lap and attempt to help when I'm cleaning my pipes. Couple more years, and I'll have him performing maintanence for me!
How cute! In a few years, my daughter, who's going to be 4 months this coming Sunday, will probably be there too. Interestingly enough she likes the smell of Balkan blends when I return from smoking outdoors. At least someone's on MY side