You can be a loving father and a hard worker who makes deadlines.
I’m not concerned about Twitter employees at all. At all.
I’ve lived my entire life by a simple code.
If your current boss doesn’t appreciate you, your next boss will.
I’ll shed a tear for twittter employees when pipeline workers and coal miners jobs are mourned.
"You can be a loving father and a hard worker who makes deadlines."
Not if you're never home, you can't, because you're kids won't see it, or experience it. You'll just be, at best, a cautionary tale.
Otherwise I don't disagree, but I also don't make a distinction in terms of how leaders treat their staff. People are not widgets and shouldn't be regarded and treated as widgets by any management that's worth being management.
I'm a demanding boss who gets results and I don't get that by browbeating, abuse, threats, or ultimatums. People who do that don't belong in management. They're not getting the best their team can do. And if you are delivering ultimatums you clearly didn't know what the hell you were doing in the first place or along the way to where you now find yourself. Congratulations on being incompetent.
There's no distinction between pipeline workers, or coal miners, or any essential pursuit, such as teachers, farmers, fire fighters, nurses, and doctors. They all deserve respect and their lives matter. And, we don't acknowledge, nor celebrate any of these people whose work is essential to our well being because why? They're not special enough?
Twitter employees, with the exception of their indentured servants, the work visa force, are going to be fine. There may be cuts in social media employment, thank goodness, but there are a lot of opportunities in the economy for people with coding talent. And the work visa force, if it comes to it, will also be fine, just elsewhere.
They'll do what I and many others have done when we've been knocked down, namely pick ourselves up, brush off the dirt and move forward. People with traditional jobs that are phasing out will have to do what other people like me have done, adapt, train, develop new tools. Welcome to nature. Adapt or die.