The self appointed forum policeman speaks yet again
Not saying anything here that hasn't been said to me and others by others to others; were they self-appointed as well, Jay? When someone points out to a new member they haven't been on the group long enough to sell anything yet are they a self-appointed policeman as well, Jay? Or just trying to be helpful in keeping the forum running smooth? And told so by the self-appointed critic of the group, you? I'm just stating the simple rules here, verbatim, but who died and left you boss? Seems YOU are the one trying to play the role of policeman here. And badly at that. You know where the door is if you don't like it. Frankly, I think you need to get off your high horse.
As for my animated avatar, I
created that by popular request from other members who thought it a good, funny idea from my many stills, and who were delighted with the burning head, some even saved it, then was told by management they were no longer desired due to bandwidth limitations of some people and I took it right off. The funny thing is the site says you can use gifs and at least two others were running animations too! So I thought I was doing an OK thing. But I assume they too have removed theirs. No harm anyway, making that gif was a lot of work, but at least I learned how to make one. Pretty good first attempt.
Frankly, many thought that animations add a great dimension to the forum and folks ought to maybe get rid of their 56K modems and move up to the 20th century! But that is also why I actually sat down and read the rules the other day to get as better feel for them. I've seen many other political posts here that have been slammed shut for less. So, if rules are to have meaning, then they ought to be adhered to and applied consistently by all without bias, don't you think? Maybe that is part and parcel of why so many long sought after old members have left?
It is because of thoughtlessly itinerant comments such as yours that eventually inevitably derail threads with bickering that such political posts should be refrained from and why I said what I said, because whether meant humorously or not, you know it is going to offend a lot of the members one way or the other. I've given up a lot of things I might say or post here to stay between the lines, Jay, I don't think it unfair that others do any less. But I hope this post is OK with you, from now on I'll check with you first on everything I write.