Art is a measuring stick that helps us separate everyday objects from extraordinary
Which is why I find it mostly mental masturbation.But, the problem with almost all definitions is that they try to set parameters for what someone else can call or exclude as Art.
Agreed, and those elements are always fluid. Bach's manuscripts being tossed in the trash wasn't an act of vandalism, but the practice of his day. He probably tossed his predecessor's (Mahatma Khan Jeeves if memory serves) manuscripts in the trash.Art is not whatever you want it to be, but what your social, genetic, history, socio-economic, gender, race, and age establishes as norms and phenomena.
Also agreed. It's that spark that separates art from artisanry. But people will disagree about that measurement. Some people think Jeff Koons is one of the greatest creators of recent times. I'm not one of them. There is art in a great meal.Art is a measuring stick that helps us separate everyday objects from extraordinary. It is not limited to a particular craft (painting, sculpture, drawing, etc...) but extends into any aspect of human creation.
Absolutely! When people ask me what a piece I've done is about I'll tell them that it doesn't matter what I think. The only thing that matters is what they experience from their encounter with it. This, BTW, is part of what I consider to be politics.Somewhere within the creative process a phenomena can occur that elevates the creation or event above the level of ordinary. Between the problem, brainstorming, planning, execution, re-working, and exhibit stages of the process something can happen that separates the creation from ordinary. However, it is recognition, the measuring stick, within us, helps us recognize the phenomena, and elevates the event or creation above that which we have become accustomed to within our own personal life.
Also agree. It works because it's not a definition of what art is, but of what art does.This is a far superior definition, as it excludes someone from just saying that "to me only toothpicks are art." Therefore, art cannot be whatever you want it to be, but contains it within out own worldview. We do not control the measuring stick, nor the definition, but we are moved by it.
Yeah, when in Rome...Do all the goats? :rofl:And, as far as sculptures go... when in Rome...
It works because it's not a definition of what art is, but of what art does.
Who's disagreeing. I just use less syllables. Functions, does, same difference. Sure I could be more precise, but I prefer the beauty and elegance of abstraction. I understand that you're a recovering art historian and I admire you for it.But, one is free to disagree with this definition, and that is included in the definition.
Actually Michael, I don't waste my time disagreeing with people whose opinions I don't deeply respect. It would be a strange world indeed if we all saw everything exactly the same way! :mrgreen:I don't expect Sable or Toob to agree with me.