In the late 1940's, Europe was rife with captured Nazi armaments. So what? Those weapons though, were
in fact, supplied by the Communists. I'm sure the Israelis were happy to have them, and the results speak for themselves.
Do you think that defeating Nazism in Eastern Europe, liberating Berlin, and at the same time suffering the largest number of
casualties on Earth,
and materially and significantly assisting in the creation of the state of Israel, gives the Russians and their former vassal states, or the citizens thereof, any right to be respected as...I don't know...what?...contributing members of the global community? Not just a bunch of antisemites to be painted with a broad brush.
Antisemitism seems, lately, to be equated with any criticism or lack of support for the policies and actions of the state of Israel. That's no surprise, as it is directly in line with Israeli propaganda and the PR agenda of the Isreal lobby in the U.S. But Jew-hatred, which is a deplorable evil, is not equatable with the pervasive criticism of Israel, which is a global phenomenon, based on the real-world actions of its government. I was against the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, as were a majority of Canadians at the time. But that's doesn't mean I "hate" the American people. Far from it.
Which is to say history is complicated.
Unfortunately, antisemitism is prevalent across Europe and apparently is alive and well in North America too. My ancestors had to flee Poland and settled in Denmark, where they had to escape to Sweden when the Nazis captured Copenhagen. Those who didn't leave Poland...
...We know the story. I wouldn't be here if it were not for the fact that my Great Grandfather spent his entire life dodging jew-haters.
I hope we can agree that no one has the full story of what really happened in the distant past, or also, what is happening today. That seems like the barest minimum required for a rational discourse regarding...
Never mind...
I wouldn't want this thread to veer into the realm of politics. I'd hate to see it shut down by our
overlords mods.