Moderate or Occasional Pipe Smoking Only?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 27, 2014
"I didn't start smoking the pipe to die. I started smoking the pipe to live.
Regardless of whatever does eventually kill us, let's all meet up in the next life and enjoy a few bowls together, shall we?" -robin
+10 Well stated!
I think you, robin, and I are three peas in a pod. In the next life, if you two bring some good leaf I promise to supply some good liquor and the three of us will have a ball. :D



Aug 20, 2013
Todays doctors regard any kind of smoking as folly, and they say that the evidence against tobacco is overwhelming, conclusive. Others doctors disagree, apparently, but this is what my doctors say. You can no longer go to the doctor for anything without being screened about tobacco. It's just in the natural course of things now, and the smoking bans and taxes get more and more onerous, a legal outcome of the evidence against tobacco.
For years guys would call this habit a hobby, not an addiction. Then what do you call hours of sucking the smoke of a known addicting carcinogen into your mouth every day?
I am a pipe smoker as at this point I would have a very hard time giving it up. I hope that it doesn't necessitate removing half my face or take me too young. I am a fool, I think, but I love the pipe.
One poster at the start of the thread said that he in no way wants to live so long that he can no longer care for himself; thus if pipe smoking takes him young, he doesn't care. I can't help but think that's wrongly stated, as that health outcome cannot be predicted. Thus he states that dying early because of smoking is preferable. But as of this juncture there is no way to know what his health will be like in the future, and justifying a habit by an unknown can never be a certainty. If his family had a history of Alzheimer's and there was some test he could take now that with 50% accuracy said that he had the precursrs of the disease, then the argument could be made with more certainty.



Jul 24, 2013
So, guys, is 10 a day too much? I should add that I don't think I smoke them down thoroughly to the dottle.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
I work out in the North Sea two weeks out of the month, where I can't smoke. Darn electric cigarette lighters! At home, I probably manage a couple of bowls a week, if that. So, maybe four or five bowls a month.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
Great to see this thread pickup after a year off since it is a great subject for those of us who, by circumstances or opportunity - not the same thing, are limited to smoking only a few bowls a week. I have a wife who does not appreciate my smoking and work in a hospital all day. Like said; circumstances and opportunity...

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