Moderate or Occasional Pipe Smoking Only?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 28, 2013
Brantford, Ont.
Occasional for me. Usually on weekends or evenings after somewhat busy days at work. More rare than that is during work, on my return from doing material pickups in the vaughan area.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
I will be quite satisfied to be among those listed by mr. Kashmir. I may never accomplish what they have but I will follow in their footsteps as much as possible. To think to apply mind and body to noble pursuit. To seek out intellect, philosophy and be master of my own little world, and to sit and enjoy my pipe in quiet introspection, yes I will follow in the foot step of much wiser men. To apply what is learned from them and build from their professions my own life upon a solid rock .
It amazes me how many folks think they are smarter than those who will live forever in hystory for the great things they have done, having never thought as deeply, and never applying their own mind, but only following the common opinion. Something those who accomplished great things never did.



Jan 31, 2011
After perusing such a list, I ask: Can it be that the greatest minds of the 20th Century were all common miscreants, who did not fully fathom "what they were doing to themselves"? Are we, with all our advances of modern science, more intelligent than they were? How many men today can you count that can measure to the list above? I am hard pressed to find a handfull, if that.
Many, if not most, in that list, if they were children today, would likely be diagnosed with a (imo) completely bogus disorder such as “ADHD” and promptly drugged into socially acceptable, conformist mediocrity.



Might Stick Around
Dec 22, 2012
Boston MA/ Bethlehem NH
I wish I could smoke more... But I am an occasional pipe smoker. Mostly on weekends and late at night after my wife goes to bed. I would love it if I could have a bowl every other day while watching a movie. I hope someday to convince my wife that we can share movie time together, along with nice room note tobacco. Not so far....
But for now it's no more than 2-3 times a week at most..... I'm working on it. Have to get the ventilation just right......and the mindset......



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
I agree brian64. Today most on that list would be diagnosed as aberrant, and sedated as such. The corporate workplace further weeds out anyone deemed different or "not on board". Our masses of unemployed and our prisons full of minor offenders are testament to that. We presently belong to the vapid smile culture wasteland, where Big Brother sedates the populace with poisoned processed food (google high fructose corn syrup and brain activity), commercial TV and consumer culture. Bit harsh? I think not.

Aug 14, 2012
Kashmir: Sorry I missed what you had to say earlier on this thread and couldn't find it. If you happen to have the time I would really appreciate a private message about it. Your thoughts are always interesting to me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 21, 2013
I smoke one or sometimes two bowls a day, 4 or five days a week. Most of the time, I'm not driving or working, but in a favorite chair or out on the porch or with a friend where I can give relaxation and enjoyment my full attention. Occasionally walking the dog. It doesn't quite seem to taste the same unless I can sip it and savor and be uninterrupted, to get the full pleasure. Although if I had the time and freedom and less responsibilities, I'm pretty sure I could easily become an all-day smoker and love it.



Apr 16, 2013
Welcome to the "club"!!!!

On average, I just smoke 1 bowl per month, sometimes not even that. I own 4 pipes and almost 15 tins of tobacco.

I have the same reasons for not smoking more often as you do, staying healthy and enjoying long life.
For me, pipe smoking is a way to celebrate big events in my life and for now, I'm trying to keep it this way.
Savor a pipe:)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 12, 2014
Hi Tarak,

I smoke 1-2 bowls a week, sometimes none.

For me the pure pleasure is the enjoyment of the nostalgia and the peace of the moment.

I started at 50 y/o and never smoked before.

I want to keep it this way.
No judgement, just a personal choice thing.



Can't Leave
Sep 4, 2013
Nature Coast of Florida
My pipe smoking depends on the weather. In Fall, Spring, and Winter I smoke about 3-4 times per week (mostly in the car or while I'm grilling). During the Summer when it is too hot for me here in FL, I tend to smoke 0-1 time per week. Some people meditate, some people vegetate, me--I emanate some good tobacco smoke.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Wow--another old thread resurrected! Good to reread remarks by Kashmir (another Eric--aye, there's genius in a name, as we know from the various Erics on the forum: ESCIOE, KASHMIR, even an Erich [Baumer]). Thanks to our noob brother, NHPRO, for bringing these thoughts to our attention once more. We've missed Kashmir on the forum--his wit and genius are hard to match. The point: two or three bowls a day are unlikely to do any harm, and may actually do some good, in terms of a known effect of warding off Alzheimers and Parkinson's. The worst part of pipe smoking is having to deal with the shrilling voices of the anti-smoking crowd who annoy me far more than a hot ember the drops out of my pipe onto my pants in close vicinity to my generative organs.



Can't Leave
May 4, 2013
Columbus Ohio
I am a moderate smoker. Once a week or so.
This however creates an argument with my wife. Every time I buy something else she asks why I needed it because I don't smoke enough to buy more pipe stuff. Then I ask her if I should smoke more and she answers no but goes back to her original question.



Jun 2, 2011
A thread back from the dead...and I'm still really only committed to a bowl on Sunday afternoon, but will occasionally get another one in here and there, probably averaging 6 bowls a month.



Mar 1, 2013
If I get 3 bowls a week I am happy. I obviously get more on the weeks that I have pipe club meetings or gatherings with other pipe smokers. As I have discovered Ozium and Lampe Berger I am getting a bowl or two per week in the basement and the wife is cool with it. My problem is actually carving out the time when I am not working, being a professional chauffeur to my children, playing chess, or doing whatever else life throws at me

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