Moderate or Occasional Pipe Smoking Only?

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Dec 30, 2012
On average I smoke a bowl a day, some days none, on the weekends 2 and sometimes 3. I do find that if I smoke 3 bowls that I dont feel great the next day. So after some "experimentation" I figured out that 2 bowls is my max.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2013
During the cold months, one bowl a day (while walking the dogs). In nicer weather, one bowl a day (evening) and a few per day on the weekends. I consider that moderate, but not occasional.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2013
Wish I could more often but if I am lucky I only get about every other day. Hunting online for TAD and PAD is every day for now. When I get back into my own place the actual smoking will pick up again.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I smoke mostly 4 bowls per day and on occasion 5. I honestly couldn't care less if it is bad for me. I am going to die someday and I would rather live my life enjoying it than worry about things that will kill me. I definitely don't want to live so long that I am crapping in a diaper and drooling in my soup. If smoking one or two bowls a week is going to extend my life to where that is my future, no thanks.



Jun 23, 2011
4 - 6 bowls per week is my average.
Some weeks none or one; some weeks as many as maybe nine.



Dec 11, 2012
During my recent bout of unemployment, I would take a smoke break in the morning, and one in the afternoon. Now that I'm working again, my free time has been drastically reduced, and I find that I've generally only got time on Friday afternoons, and possibly once or twice during the rest of the weekend (it's one way to get me to do yard work... :D ). So - 1-3 bowls a week at this point.

Aug 14, 2012
The fact is, as I have ascertained on my own body, that pipesmoking does raise your blood pressure. If your pressure is low, there is little harm in it. If your pressure is high it could be harmful. So it really is an individual decision. I was smoking up to 10-12 bowls a day, and had a problem because of it. Now I am down to about 1 pipe a day, 2 at the most and rarely that. And I don't fill it all the way anymore and don't smoke the dottle (bottom). Today I had a tooth pulled and did not smoke at all.



Can't Leave
May 30, 2013
I started out as a moderate pipe smoker because I really only had the time on the weekends. Now I smoke anywhere from 0 to 10 bowls a day, and I probably average around 5. Of the pleasures taste, pipe smoking is one of the least expensive and very pleasurable.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
I average about 1-2 bowls a day, mostly driving to and from work. On the weekends, 3 or more per day.
My wife is with me for 37 years and she has known me as a cigar smoker and more recently pipe smoker. She is concerned but generally quiet about my smoking. The risk does concern me, but not enough to stop me from smoking.
I've discovered that smoking a pipe helps me stop eating, and amongst challenges in life, the importance of being able to lose the extra 30 odd pounds on me trumps smoking a pipe.
I am very aware of the possible dangers.

Dec 24, 2012
There are some days I don't smoke anything and then other days when I smoke 3 bowls or so (the weekends are when I smoke the most). I have monitored my smoking over the last 3 months and I am smoking, on average, 9 bowls per week. At 3g per bowl, that works out to just under 3.1 lbs per year.
I still do have the odd cigar - when I mow the lawn being the only time I grab a Cubano.



Can't Leave
May 31, 2013
Very enlightening conversation. I assumed average consumption was higher and wondered where y'all were finding the time :lol:
Smoking three to five bowls a week and one of those is envitably more rushed than I would like. Our house and vehicles are no smoking zones, so I'm an outdoor man. I suspect come winter and subzero temps my smoking will go down further. Looking forward to vacation and the chance to get in a bowl a day. So many tobaccos I'm keen to try.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 4, 2012
+1 Protestantpiper, that's by far one of my favorite Twain pieces.

For me, it depends on the week. One week, I'll smoke at least one bowl a day, two on others, with a cigar or two thrown in. The next may be so busy I don't smoke at all. So I guess the only conclusion I can draw is that tobacco use isn't habitual for me, at least at this point, but in the long term I smoke quite a bit.

Today, I'm pretty tired from two 2pm-12am days of helping a buddy move, have a day off work, and haven't smoked in a while, so I'll be smoking as much as possible.



Feb 21, 2013
I try to smoke moderately. Some days I'll have four or five bowls; most days one or two; some

stretches I will go for days without a pipe, usually when I'm moving around a lot, either traveling

or getting around town on errands. For me, I want to give it full attention and attain full pleasure.

I don't drive with a pipe, though I do occasionally enjoy lunting -- wonderful word I learned from

Forums -- walking with a pipe.



Jul 30, 2012
4-5 work days, weekends whatever, a couple of cigars on weekends,1 cigar every night I get home from work with 3-4 adult beverages.

If I was worried about it , I would quit. +1 Cigar. Wore diapers & drooled once. Maybe drooled more than that at times but didn't remember! :lol:

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