Metal Fans?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 4, 2012
Some comments on the recent thread on smoking and music got me thinking about pipe-smoking metalheads. More members than I expected expressed an interest in metal, and some rather obscure varieties at that. How many of us are there, and does anyone have comments or stories regarding pipes and metal together? I can say that I always get the most interesting bewildered reactions when I stand in front of someone wearing a tweed jacket and smoking a pipe and tell them with a straight face that death metal is my favorite genre.

To keep things interesting, mention you favorite artist. I'm always looking for new music.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
Austin, TX
Even though I don't listen to it as much these days as I used to, my childhood heroes were guys like Chris Barnes, Glen Benton, Joe Ptacek, and David Vincent :)
Always been a fan of the genre as a whole. I kind of gravitated towards other types of music so my playlist is pretty diverse, but metal is still in my roots for sure. There's few things better than finishing a long day at the office and driving home blasting some F*cking Hostile!



Staff member
May 11, 2011
I'm a fan of classic metal, 70's - 80's era (Priest, Maiden, Saxon, etc.). A few newer bands get my attention occasionally, BLS, Winery Dogs, etc.
I listen to Eddie Trunk every Monday night on XM and catch "That Metal Show" weekly on VH1 Classic.



Can't Leave
Oct 16, 2013
Interesting topic, I'll keep an eye on it even thought I'm way, way mainstream. My guitar style is straight-up "Middle Age White Guy Totally Derivative Blues". Iron Maiden is about as heavy as I get. I don't know if that's even considered "metal" any more - it was when I was growing up, but that was before all the extreme-metal sub-sub-genres that exist today.... :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 4, 2012
I definitely have an eclectic music taste as well, but the variety is tempered by metal comprising 75% of my music. The other 25% is very diverse though, and I'm all over the place within metal. I love Iron Maiden and would still consider them metal-they did more than possibly any other single band to establish and develop the genre, and remain relevant.

Also, I rudely forgot to answer my own question. My favorite metal band pick is split between Agalloch (ambient/folk black metal) and Carach Angren (symphonic black metal).



Can't Leave
Oct 16, 2013
Cool. In contemplative moods, I consider the ethos of "metal" to include a whole lot of stuff. I probably get some of that from Yngwie Malmsteen - he considers Niccolo Paganini to be sort of a metalhead just by virtue of the extremity of his music in the context of his times. Cool stuff, Paganini. Malmsteen too, though I generally can take him only in limited doses.
Music is amazing - my iPod has everything from Maiden to Highland-bagpipe piobaireachd to Renaissance to Ravi Shankar and bluegrass. Outside of rap and 80's pop it's hard to find a type of music to which I can't bang my head, if even mildly... :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2013
Well its funny you asked for a pipe and metal story. It was at a concert that planted the bug for me.
In 89 a friend and I went to a W.A.S.P show with the opening act being Accept. One of the equipment guys was smoking a meer and all I kept thinking about was the pipe and how good it smelled. Even though my uncle smoked a pipe it wasn't until that show that I gave it serious thought. I later picked up my first pipe at Tinderbox.
Thanks to my taste in metal its given me a lifelong enjoyment of pipes and pipe tobacco.



Jun 1, 2013
I am truly a metal head a heart. In fact, my friend and I are going to see The Dillinger Escape Plan in April.
I am in love with this band. I have been listening since my second year of college (2004), and have had the opportunity to see them live once before. They fall on the more abstract, insane time change, aggressive side of the genera. I do not recommend for the light at heart, but the musicianship required to write and perform this music blows my mind!
Below is a album version of one of my favorite songs, with live footage from their current tour. The song starts out very intense, but grows into a monster!!! Check it out... if you can handle it
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Hero of the Soviet Union



Can't Leave
Oct 16, 2013
Somewhat heavier than my taste and at 47 years old the strobes would have me in an epileptic seizure, but there's no denying the crazy, crazy technical musicianship that a lot of metal players have. I actually like their use of diminished fifths in the last section - it's easy to overuse that in the pursuit of weight. Good post - thanks!



Feb 13, 2013
I'm more into extreme metal now, when I was younger I was more into Iron Maiden, etc...

Jan 8, 2013
I don't quite go as far as death metal, but Therion is one of my favorites. More for the folk myth that goes into the lyrics though. I like the operatic metal sound, think Secret of the Runes album. I like a lot of that kind of stuff. But my tastes roll pretty far in the other direction as well, Sinatra, Cash, can't get enough Gaslight Anthem.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Its nice to know that I'm not the only Metalhead around here. I'm a huge Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne fan. I refer to my man-cave as the "Metal Lounge" as I'm usually blasting some form of Heavy Metal while enjoying my pipes and cigars. I'm planning on seeing Carcass this next Sunday. Can't wait. I've wanted to see Carcass for a long time.
Favorite Bands:

Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Dio, Sepultura, Fear Factory, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Death, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Six Feet Under, Testament, Overkill, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Immortal, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Wintersun, and I could go on.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2014
Metalhead here!
I've been a metal fan since my teenage hood. I was into thrash metal as the very beginning then soon switched to death and black metal. As getting older I am now more into folk things. I am not quite a melodic guy. I favor the the progressive and symphonic riff structures. My favorite bands are: Death, Emperor, Amorphis, Mayhem, Burzum, Overkill, Nargaroth (early works), Bathory, Dark Throne, Ulver, Nokturnal Mortum ...
However, I spend more time listening to classical, Pink Floyd and Mr. Bungle nowadays ...



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 22, 2013
Years ago, when everyone was buying Gold, I knew it would soon be over-priced. That's when I bought Titanium, which was one of my better moves :wink:



Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
Always good to see a fellow Therion fan in the house! Crazy Nights gets me riled up everytime! Funny that you mention metal and pipes... I went to Mayhem Fest a few years back and I was literally the only person there walking around in my All That Remains shirt and smoking my MM. Lol it was quite a sight. What really made me chuckle were the drunk kids pointing at me and saying "Dude! You're smoking a pipe!? That's metal!" How exactly is smoking a pipe metal? Well that's a question I've yet been able to answer. I enjoy all types of music but as far as metal goes, I would say my favorite is Finnish/Danish Metal. Children of Bodom, Ensiferum, Korpiklaani, Volbeat. If you want to hear something different I would check out a band called Alestorm. They're a Pirate Metal band from Scotland. They're pretty sick!



Part of the Furniture Now
May 10, 2013
I'm a gigantic metalhead. From Black Sabbath to Meshuggah and everything in between. Some concert highlights for me have been seeing Iron Maiden in 4 different countries, Heaven and Hell before Ronnie died, original Black Sabbath lineup, Rammstein several times, and Lamb of God and Children of Bodom at a tiny concert hall in Vancouver for $20 before they got big.
Bonus pipe related metal song (well....sort of) Curl of the Burl

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