I’m devastated... I’ve spent 2 years avidly search for the perfect meerschaum billiard, and finally found it a month ago. I wanted one as close to the Bremen Pipe smoker’s as possible, one of those proportions and with a burgundy acrylic stem instead of the cheap swirled plastic ones, and I found it in this lucky find of this SMS. When I received the pipe, I thoroughly examined it in excitement, and observed a slightly off colored line under the shank, but it was glass smooth, so I guessed it was just a natural difference in color of the natural meerschaum block. As I’ve smoked about 10 bowls through it now, it’s become very evident that it’s a crack..... you can feel it now too, as it must be splitting apart now.... I’m completely devastated, as it took me 2 years to find this..... I know a lot about briars, but not a whole lot about meers, so is there anything I can do to salvage and repair the pipe, or is it a lost cause???....... in the pics it’s hard to see exactly what I mean.