McClelland: "We're Just Going to Close the Doors"

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2013
So why not sell the McClelland brand to an existing tobacco manufacturer? The response: “We’re a company that is obsessed,” says Mary. “My husband Mike is the heart of McClelland. And he goes to such extreme lengths to make sure that everything is just right. And we’re a small company. There’s no way a larger company would go to the same lengths to do this, to produce this type of product. They wouldn’t have our level of obsession.”

If you sell the company why give shit about it when your dicking around in the zoo? Another company wasn't even given the chance to make sure everything is right. An off McClelland No 5100 Red Cake is better than what is currently being produced.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2014
The government and the lackey farmers
The last thing I'd call tobacco farmers would be "lackey farmers". They were sucking off the government tit pretty good and then the government cut them off. The big tobacco companies stepped in and screwed them big time. It works like this: No more auctions. Big tobacco enters into a contract with the farmer for a set price. After the tobacco is harvested big tobacco comes to the farm and finds a hundred reasons why the tobacco isn't the quality tobacco that was called out in the contract so they pay the farmer significantly less money than the farmer was led to believe he would get. Most tobacco farmers quite because they were losing money.



Apr 24, 2015
They were sucking off the government tit pretty good and then the government cut them off.
A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.

Oct 7, 2016
perdurabo, that’s hypocritical disconnect that most people refuse to acknowledge
The price support system,was in place for many decades, and did provide an incentive for raising a better crop through higher prices. In today's world, pipe tobacco manufacturers have to work with what the now free market gives them, which is basically low quality strip from the cigarette companies. Of course it can be made palatable with all the various flavoring and sauces that are available, but it won't be the same. If you applaud the government's exit from tobacco farming, it would be a hypocritical disconnect to keep your McClellands. I am sure there would be lots of takers who don't mind a little hypocrisy with their well aged 5100.



Jun 3, 2015
Not buying it Oldgeezer, something stinks. Not saying you're wrong, obviously a price support system as well as other government incentives are/were in place. For instance, the government still pay farmers not to farm land.
The only incentive to drive the best to the market place is the incentive born in man. His pride in his work, to offer his customer the best product for the best price. Not a government hand out. What you are saying is the government steals from me and all other Americans to provide a subsidy "price support system" to tobacco farmers. Obviously other pipe tobacco companies are still up and running, entering new blends into the market (Dreams Of Kafath, by the way is better than anything McClelland made) and continue to make products that haven't declined in the quality of leaf. So once again, I'll say I don't buy it. I think we have two master Pipe Tobacco manufacturers who decided it was time to retire. The FDA pushed them out the door, and the quality of leaf declined because the slack ass farmer didn't get his subsidy( Government handout).
***Tobacco opinions here, those can change from person to person, what I like doesn't necessarily mean it is something you will like.



Jun 3, 2015
Of course with farming, farmers can have a bad year, but what the government does by propping up the farmer creates a false market. What they did to the tobacco farmer needs to be done to all farmers.



Apr 24, 2015
pipe tobacco manufacturers have to work with what the now free market gives them, which is basically low quality strip from the cigarette companies.
Nothing is stopping them from growing their own tobacco. Unless it's the government. Which wouldn't surprise me.
This whole deal smalls like a big tobacco (cigarette) manufacturer push to use government to drive the smaller companies (competition) out of business. Happens all the time. Just follow the money being given to politicians.



Jun 3, 2015
Same thing happened with the Banks, hence the birth of the Cartel: The Fed Reserve. Business in league with Government, anti competition and anti free market. Still no excuse. All it takes is a little determination and a set of irons.



Nov 24, 2015
I happen to agree and say the same thing about the corn and soy industries. It's creates an artificially low price for corn and soy protein. Why do they get the nod over cabbage producers? It's the inequity that causes the issues.
There is a good HBO produced series called "Weight of a Nation" that's worth a watch. Shows the unintended consequences of fallacious policy.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Yeh, nothing makes me more... :::whatever::: than a bunch of people who have no idea what their talking about criticize farmers with their mouth's full. When you decide to plant your land, take on the sweat, and tears, then I might decide to take your opinions on the matter seriously.



Nov 24, 2015
I do not see people badmouthing anyone, except the rules that Govern. Farmers certainly didn't create some of the crazy rules we have. The country was built on the back of farmers. No disrespect intended.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
For the Ag and FDA portions it is farmer run with coops set up, to guide us as well as well as each other out. Just as Cigarette industry running the tobacco part. The mistake was in thinking the cigarette guys were going to be fair to pipes and cigars while they plowed over the RYO and vape guys.
No, as far as what farmers deal with, we regulate ourselves. It’s not some outside entity telling us this or that. And, no farmer is taking tax money. That’s just ignorant. We are mostly a cooperative based on stock speculations.
Sure, sure, Uncle Jed can grow some tomatoes sell them at the farmer’s market, but that is a pocket change way of looking at things. Everything is corporate and trading is global. My corn is sold to South America some years, because that was the best deal at the time.
Placing farming and our system into your political idealology is like trying to get a square peg into round hole. Totally different genres of discussion. Its aples and oranges. Yes, it’s complicated, and no I do not fully understand corporate co-ops and global trade, but for the mocrocosm of my world of soy and corn, I know enough to understand you guys don’t even have a clue, ha ha.



Apr 24, 2015
I know enough to understand you guys don’t even have a clue, ha ha
I work in an industry (telecom) that's heavily regulated and also takes in massive subsides. Where do you think people get their "free" Obama phones, or "underserved areas" get high speed internet for $9.99 a month?
The only clue I really need is to know is that we'd all be a lot better off if the government stayed out of private business and stopped taking money from private individuals to redistribute to their favored companies (corporate welfare), whether that's farmers or otherwise.



Jun 3, 2015
Cosmic I was referring to the article that Coyja posted. The info is straight from the McNeils mouth, about Government not recognizing tobacco as agriculture and losing subsidies. It's all right there.
Sea captain as soon as you said Obamaphone it went political. That's a no no.
Although talking about redistribution is not political it's theft. So seacaptain is talking theft there not politics.
No one was placing farming in ideological terms, just fair terms. You know every one has the same opportunity fair.



Jun 3, 2015
Although Mary does talk about the mechinzed process of picking tobacco, I think this affected them the most. Which has nothing to do with gov.



Jun 3, 2015
Cosmic, I agree, the Big Dog will use the Gov. for its advantage. So yea, a huge mistake was made in assuming the Big Cigs would do anything to help quality tobacco. They use shit anyway.
Sorry for not putting all of that in one post. Happy trigger finger and Burley Flake #2 :puffy:



Apr 24, 2015
My conversation is about industries and government policy. "Obamaphone" is accepted terminology, just like ACA is called "Obamacare".
My comment didn't include anything about Obama himself, or political parties, so I don't consider my use of an accepted term as being political.

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