So, I bought a few ounces of various “match” tobaccos recently, and lit up a bowl yesterday of Carter Hall. Yuk! I smoked it in a Rossi 8611, a Bent Dublin. It was harsh, to say the least. It was a bit moist, and required several relights, to the point I cleaned out the bowl. My tongue suffered the effects of a harsh smoke. So this morning I decided to light up another bowl, but in a tiny Peterson Kapp-Royal. The smoke was great, much to my delight. So, what I believe went wrong with the first bowl, is that I packed it too hard, and kept puffing and got bit. The Peterson, I lightly packed, and avoided tamping other that a couple of times just to settle the ash. Wow, what an amazing difference. While the Match is not quite like the original, it stands up nicely as a good Burley, one that I’ll buy more of. The original had just a hint of Virginia, and if the Match does, I could not detect it, which is fine. I can always add some to suit my taste. If you enjoy Burely, give this stuff a try.