I hope to some day be able to voluntarily let my pipes rest. Just for a day or two. Like many of you tough guys, who often inspire me
It should only be a hobby, when time and place permits. My body and brain do however not like that thought. It's awful enough at work these days, when you have to abstain for too many hours. It is not only the nicotine for me. All the years as a student, with only a few one-hour lessons a day, and then in offices, where I could lit my pipe or cigarette, whenever I liked. Later, when smoking was banned, I enjoyed a short smoking break outside the office, every hour or so. Like my boss. Nobody should tell you not to. I am just lucky that I am almost never too sick to smoke: Twentysomething years ago I had a flu. I think. I didn't smoke that day.
Few years later I decided to not let the habit rule. For a week. But couldn't stand sitting in the office all day without smoking breaks, so I foolishly quit the job. They fortunately rehired me, when I started smoking again.
At least I haven’t smoked any cigarettes for about ten years now and I never will again.