I love music of all styles and genres. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 1400 albums (all legal and all on physical media (suck it iTunes
I've also been to several hundred concerts over the years.
Over the last few years I've become a beer snob and have sampled several hundred beers. Got my first plate at the Flying Saucer on St. Patrick's Day this year :D
I enjoy buying and shooting guns. I have 3 pistols and about a dozen rifles including an AR-15 which I like a lot.
Traveling is amazing. I've been to 4 continents and about a dozen countries and am always trying to up those numbers.
Just hang out with people and make an ass of myself. I find that the amount of hubris someone has is pretty much the inverse of how much fun they can have
That's the main stuff I normally like to do. I've been living on a small FOB in Afghanistan for the last 5 months though and the law here is pretty much that if something is fun then it's illegal so I haven't been able to do any of those things since I got here. My hobbies on base include reading, eating, going to the gym, going to work, and growing my beard.