Like many pipe smokers my primary lighter is a Zippo with a pipe insert. I always carry an inexpensive but dependable BIC backup though just in case the fluid runs short. Sort of like a cop on patrol who carries his duty weapon but also his back-up gun just in case. I have found though, that there is a definite purpose for the back up light and I do use it as my primary lighter on specific occasions so I thought I'd share my experience. A Zippo does not go out if dropped. A BIC does not stay lit if it is dropped, hence the purpose of each. While driving I never use the Zippo. I also never use the Zippo for a relight if reclining in my La-Z-Boy lounger. On more than one instance I've accidently fumbled with the Zippo and I've learned to use caution with it although it is a great piece of equipment and it is my primary source of heat. Have any of you men ever dropped your lit Zippo?