Ahhhh, come on guys. If you don't want to respond, you don't even have to do anything, easy peasy.
Let's not drive off a newbie because we are suspicious.
Ok, then. How does one broach the subject that a new member has not lurked long enough to learn the local culture and make an effort to fit in? How to raise the issue that he seems to be treating the forum like his personal pipe encyclopedia rather than a discussion amongst peers?
This sort of light piss-taking, to borrow from the British, is how lots of men let a new person to a social situation know that they’ve unfortunately stepped their toes over a line of local culture. It’s not a capital-r Rule, so it’s not something to report to the mods, so there has to be some mechanism to bring new members into the local culture. Silence won’t do it. Silence just lets anyone come along and ruin a good thing.
I’d be interested in hearing alternatives. But this one has thousands of years of practice behind it.