This is going to be a little long, but I'm going to do my reviews all in one post. I'm a generalist when it comes to describing tobacco, so there won't be anything dazzling here.
First, some preliminary observations/information:
1. I would characterize all of the samples as English blends.
2. Based on a smell test, I didn't recognize any of the blends as a blend that I was familiar with.
3. Based on a visual test, I didn't recognize any of the blends. I did note that there was a range of darkness between the blends. The photo at the end shows the blends starting with A on the left end and going to F on the right end. I rated F as the darkest followed by E as the next darkest (darkness being indicative to me of Latakia content; it could also be indicative of stoved or fire cured, but overall I didn't encounter those tastes). I ranked B as the lightest in color. A, C and D were in the middle, all being approximately the same color.
4. Moisture content was mostly consistent between the samples with C and F having slightly more moisture.
5. I used two clay pipes (straight, group 1-ish), same make and model. Two samples each evening, letting the pipes rest until the next evening.
Here are my tasting notes by sample. The rating is how well I liked the blend:
A. Light English. Light in every category. Didn't develop depth. No sweetness. Not complex. A bit hot. Rate: Low.
B. A little sweetness. Bit of a floral note. Full taste. Not complex. Light on Latakia. Nice aftertaste. Rate: Medium.
C. Medium-to-full bodied. Well balanced. More noticeable Latakia than A or B. Quality tobacco. Smooth/refined. The coarsest cut of all of the samples. Rate: High.
D. Latakia is noticeable, similar to C. Unique flavor, maybe due to the Orientals used. Medium-to-full bodied. Burns slightly hot. Rate: Medium.
E. Even though dark, not a Lat bomb. Light-to-medium bodied. Smooth/refined. Rate: Medium.
F. The only sample that contained flake. Required more relights than any of the other samples. Some sweetness. Latakia was comparable to E. Medium bodied. Smooth/refined. Contained the most interesting Orientals of all of the samples. The taste profile made me wonder if there might be a small amount of perique in the blend. Rate: High.
Bottom line, C and F were the samples that I liked the best, F being a little more interesting as between the two but both good smokes.
Thanks to Butter Side Down for organizing this!