When I read the communicae from Sutliff this morning, my first response, and this will not be popular, was to find it darkly funny, if not exactly hilarious.
The "survivors" of this Viking raid are supposed to represent the most profitable blends in the MB and Sutliff portfolios and if true, confirm the statement that aromatics are by far the largest amount of sales. STD STG is sparing the goopiest of Sutliff goopers for you to buy in bulk, as well as eliminating any duplication of their Lane offerings.
The loss of the Sutliff match blends is a shame, but not unexpected, given STD's STG's metric for survival.
Not being immune to the financial benefits of branding they are retaining St Bruno, Capstan, and Three Nuns, maybe STG can improve them as they could scarcely be made worse than what MB did to them in the last couple of years.
I was never much of a Mac Baren fan and those blends that I liked, such as Modern Virginia, Vintage Syrian, and Acadien Perique, Mac Baren had discontinued as their quality dropped, so I won't miss Mac Baren at all. All that said, my sympathies to those who continued to enjoy their offerings.
The loss of livlihoods for those caught up in all of this corporate pooh is unfortunate and I hope that some sort of compensation is being provided. We're not talking hundreds of jobs here, more like dozens, but that doesn't make it any easier for those affected.
Anyway, there it is. You have other options and plenty of them. Time to move on and go exploring.