Flavored cigarettes existed when I started smoking at 16. In my state (Alabama), you have to be 19 to buy cigarettes. When I hit 18, I'd hop over the Florida line and buy several cartons to sell to the other 16 year olds and I took orders.
Nobody ever wanted anything other than regular or menthol, and nobody smoked anything other than those when I was 16, other than the one goth girl that smoked clove cigarettes.
Flavor appealing to kids hasn't been a thing in forever with cigarettes. Maybe the case could be made for flavored vapes, as the only people that want tobacco flavored vapes seemed to be the former cigarette smokers from what I could tell.
I don't otherwise buy that whole "flavored tobacco targets kids" argument. And I don't know if that was "big tobacco"'s intent with flavored tobacco, or whether or not it did anything to increase kids smoking.
But these days, "but think of the children" is a bs argument against flavored tobacco, it's anything they can do to pull out of their ass to be anti tobacco, even if it's an outdated bs argument, because people that don't know any better will think that children are clamoring for cigarettes because they're cherry flavored, and they're just not. They're not clamoring for cigarettes at all, and damn sure not pipe tobacco. They might still be clamoring for vapes, because "vaping is way cooler than smoking" and "smoking is disgusting".