Is Greg Pease On Sabbatical?

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May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
People are people no matter what the trade. If a guy or gal can't take criticism about their profession (or anyone else for that matter) then yeah, they should find places that better suit them.
It wasn't about criticism that some of the top guys stay away from, it was boorishness and stupidity.



Apr 1, 2014
Colorado Rockies, Cripple Creek region
Stupidity and ignorance.
Strictly speaking, ignorance, or being ignorant, isn’t really an insult. It’s simply a lack of understanding. Geniuses are ignorant to all sorts of things, but these people are not stupid, instead, they are ignorant. This is an important distinction to make.
Stupid is another adjective, it means lacking in mental capacity. An ignorant person can usually seek additional knowledge to become less ignorant, but, as the saying goes, you can’t fix stupid. Some people just lack the mental facilities (learning disorders) and that covers a wide spectrum.
Now Boorish ?
boor·ish (bo͝or′ĭsh)


Resembling or characteristic of a boor; rude and clumsy in behavior.

boor′ish·ly adv.

boor′ish·ness n.
I've seen quite a few regular "Holy' members guilty of the boorish/pompous attitude on occasion here. Or two. Including myself, but almost always (if not always) it's my response to someones elses (what I believe to be) wrongful barking.
I always get a kick out of the "holy ones." Like the 80 year old lady who flipped me the finger pulling out of the church parking lot right after sunday service. Same as the guy labeling others but yet not looking at his own actions.
And then there are just the jerks. That's life.
But the strongest and most interesting people I've met have the internal capacity to easily deal with all types of people. I admire that.

ou got picked
I'm not disrespecting Greg in any way. We all have choices to do what suits us best. As I've mentioned earlier, being a chiropractor, I went through many learning curves and tried different things to find my inner happiness. And a part of that exploration was just simply avoiding some people (the jerks) and almost always, I could smell them out in a minute. My circle of friends these days is small just for that reason.
OTOH and IMO "artsy" type people are often a bit different than the norm....and maybe a bit more recluse, but again I may be wrong. And factor in childhood developement and how thick a guys skin really is. I was a street kid in a white ghetto. If someone ruffled your feathers, you either stood up to them and fought if you had to, rolled with it or went home butt-sore and looked for new friends. I grew up in New York. The majority of people are pretty bold and upfront there. You can tell a guy he's ugly and he may laugh and agree with you.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Greg did just post on the thread just a month or so ago (along with the C&D blenders) where people were assuming that ALL red Virginias were disappearing because McClellands had said that they "couldn't find one that fit 5100." People continued to post for weeks that Reds were disappearing, and everyone was buying all tins with reds in them, even the color red on the label.

1. This proves that Greg is still around and posts infrequently, but just not as much as we would like.

2. Many pipe smokers are absolute morons. More so than you would assume associated with such a calm introspective hobby.
Also, some blenders have such a strong enough following of fans that they don't have to personally defend each and every disrespect or opinion, because the GLP crew is locked and loaded for a good ol' beat down... second only to the drunken Peterson boys. :puffy:



Aug 20, 2013
Those notably absent from this thread are the very people to which it pertains: Pease, et al, which tells me they have no comment. In that regard I feel perplexed as their perceptions and motivations are detailed, even dissected, publicly. It would be different did they invite such speculation, but no, they are saying nothing.
No a big transgression, to be sure, but I wish that we leave those who do not participate alone; or go directly to them and put the question.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
After a while, some members just get tired of the same old questions day after day; why does my tongue burn, why do Virginias have no flavor, which end of the pipe goes in your mouth, etc... So, those members drift on, or hover about until they have something to say.

Greg seems to post when he has something to add to a conversation or the collective knowledge. He was never one to ramble about in the silly threads much anyways. I'm sure that he will post when he has something to say. He seems to get more active when he has a new blend to spring on us. But, that is merely conjecture. Maybe he really hates us. It's me isn't it? What did I say? How can I make this up to you?! :cry: :puffy:



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Why does anyone think Greg, or Russ, or anyone have any sort of obligation to post here? It's neat that Russ pops in from time to time, but it's not obligatory, at least I hope not. Cosmic nailed it. Greg posts when there's a topic regarding which he can provide solid information or a perspective that others can't.



Oct 16, 2009
Greg did just post on the thread just a month or so ago (along with the C&D blenders) where people were assuming that ALL red Virginias were disappearing because McClellands had said that they "couldn't find one that fit 5100." People continued to post for weeks that Reds were disappearing, and everyone was buying all tins with reds in them, even the color red on the label.
I'm glad that Greg weighed in, and I had to do some "damage control" regarding the same subject. The problem here is inference. Now, maybe the statement regarding halting the production of 5100 might have been worded better to stop this whole debacle from starting, but people extrapolating that all reds were disappearing from their statement either had to come from irrational fear or an overactive imagination.

In any case, I can't speak for Greg, but I weigh in when time allows or if someone alerts me to something I should address. I'm not afraid of criticism (I've been married, after all), and I don't allow praise to get into my head either. At the end of the day, I prefer to write when I think I can help.



Apr 1, 2014
Colorado Rockies, Cripple Creek region
The OP never implied Greg was obligated to post in forums, nor did any other posters. From some other responses it appears Greg posts on FB and IG.
But it's always entertaining to watch how simple threads evolve into chaos and snarky chatter.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
All things considered, guys in Greg's position probably have a lot more to lose than they do to gain by posting in these forums. One wrong word, one bad sentence or something taken out of context and you have a horde of naysayers ready to attack. The other issue they face is there are a ton of pipe hobbyist websites. So which one do the celebs choose to post at? No way there's time to maintain an active presence at each. So there's the danger of snubbing those you can't post at. So they're better off not posting at all.
I hope to meet Greg at the Chicago show. I like a number of his blends and am deep cellaring several.



Mar 7, 2013
Greg and I have been good friends for many years, and talk frequently. He's fine, and everything is OK.
The main reason he has drifted away from "Internet Pipe Life" is simply repetition. He had a Net presence before the World Wide Web even existed, and has heard it all, and answered it all, many, many times.
He's one of those guys whose purpose in life is to learn new stuff and do new stuff. It's like an information-gathering form of OCD. It's relentless. He's a first rate musician, a pro-level software engineer, a pro-level chef, a pro-level photographer, an electronics engineer/designer, a wine expert, a trained race car driver, speaks several languages, writes professionally, and on and on. All in addition to blending pipe tobacco and having a family to look after.
Because forums like this one "roll over" their membership every few years, the same dozen questions come around again and again. Questions and discussions that are fresh to it, but stale to him. After thirty years, he finally stepped away from the social side pretty much entirely, and now only pops in when necessary for work-related reasons.
That's it. No drama, no muss, no fuss.
I hope that helps put this thread to bed.



Nov 24, 2015
The internet sucks in general & anyone posting on the interweb needs to know what a troll is and how to spot them. You'll be much happier.
None of this is serious and it means nothing...



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 7, 2011
Maybe I jumped the gun, so to speak, in my earlier posts. But I've been taken aback with a few of his older recipes (Original Classics and other series) that have been recently tinned. All the GLP tins I have are from several yrs back and the new stuff is a different animal. I was just hoping for some enlightened words from the man himself, that's all.
I can truly see the aging potential for these newer tinned blends. They're more moist, finer cut than the dry chunky pieces in the older blends. And imo, these may indeed be much like the tins of Balkan Sobranie of yore, given a few yrs to mature. I'd just like to hear his thoughts on it.
That said, I've always had the greatest respect for Greg. I've conversed several times with him via PM's on another forum. BTW, for those wondering, he once told me that he really didn't care for the moniker of "Dark Lord". Hence the forum name of Lord Latakia.
Greg is a friendly guy and a fount of information. Wish I could have the broad horizons he has. Makes me a tad jealous at times.... lol.

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