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Jan 25, 2012



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
Enjoy shooting myself. Have enough land and no neighbors that we can just go out back and let her rip. My dad reloads shells so always something to put in your gun. I have a couple 357s , 3 12 guages, 1 16 guage,1 20 guage the Tarus JUDGE, a Ruger 40S&W, and some others I wont mention due to my suspect of gov wanting to round them up one day. However my fav is my grandfathers Remington 22 from the early 70s. Single shot bolt action, no one can miss with it. We refer to it as the magic 22.



May 4, 2011
HERE is a bit on the .17HMR. It is actually a pretty sweet round. I don't know if it will ever replace the .22LR as the top plinking calibre because of cost, but it can hold its own with 22 Mag for varmints and such.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 28, 2010
I have shot since I was 8 years old, or about 42 years now. I shoot pistols and rifles, mostly antiques these days. I have competed in the US, Canada and Europe as a member of the US International Muzzleloading team, and really enjoy shooting this type of arm. I used to compete at Camp Perry with an accurized Colt Gold Cup, but now shoot a 160 year old Kuchenreuter pistol that is every bit as accurate as the Colt, albeit one shot at a time. Also shoot Black Powder Cartridge (Sharps, Ballard, etc) schuetzen and heavy (35lb) muzzle loading target rifles. Yep, I like to shoot...



May 4, 2011
Black powder is great. If I ever move to where I can get out in the country more, I'm going to get a nice flintlock rifle. My home-built .50 cal percussion pistol is surprisingly accurate, even with the primitive sights. Nothing like the Ka-BOOM from a black powder gun.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
I have a S&W 686+ 4" 357 magnum. Perfection. No need to further explain.
Exactly and agreed. Only the Python may exceed it in looks and grouping and they're gone. When you do find a decent one be prepared for sticker shock.
I use to love black powder back in the 70's and 80's and shot with some guys of the NSSA(north/South skirmish Assoc.) I had a 58 cal Zouave that shot a mini ball(actually conical shape) the size of my thumb. I've had the 44 cal Remington 1858, colt 1860 and 1851 models. Revolvers are a pain to shoot and clean but the rifles are simplicity. I learned NOT to clean one in the house as cleaning with hot soapy water activated that charcoal and sulfur. It was bad. I always wanted a 45-120 or 50-90 Sharps but couldn't see the prices.
I ended up selling this one and it's one of the few I had seller's remorse 1861 Colt. Not a replica but made by Colt called the Signature Edition. It was just too "purdy" to shoot and I don't want one I won't shoot.



Can't Leave
May 18, 2012
Wow that is a very nice old colt there I would have never sold that and I can understand the remorse I have quite a few guns myself and have looked for something just like that for a while now.If I can ever get to where I can post pics that show up i will post some.I think one of my favorite guns to shoot is my Ruger Vaquero 45.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 29, 2011
San Mateo
I think one of my favorite guns to shoot is my Ruger Vaquero 45.
The Vaquero is a well built solid gun. In fact there is some heavy/hot reloading data that is only recommended for the Vaquero and T/C. I've loaded some of these and shot them through my Vaquero and boy they kick like a mule. I usually can only handle about 15rds. and then I have to put it away.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
The new Vaqueros can't be loaded like the old ones. The frame is smaller so beware of that. I've kicked myself over and over I never bought the old one until it got discontinued in favor of the new one. It had a lot more "beef" to it whereas the new model Vaquero is built more on the Colt SAA frame. They're still fine guns but just not as strong as the older model. The New Vaquero has cylinder walls that are thinner than those on the .45 Blackhawks and original Vaqueros, and while stronger than the Colt SAA, the New Vaquero should not be used with the heavy loads that are listed as "Ruger Only" in some hand loading manuals. However, anyone should contact Ruger if you're planning on some stout loads for the new model.
Ruger's website doesn't even list the Vaquero in 44 Magnum so that may tell you something.



Jan 25, 2012
I missed the black powder talk earlier. I do a little long gun and cap & ball shooting but I use one of several black powder substitutes that are on the market these days. I've had good luck with them -A bit less fouling but still get the rotten egg smell when cleaning. The big positive is these newer propellents are not corrosive to the steel like authentic black powder. The other key I have found to enjoying black powder is burning it in stainless steel guns. Much easier to see that you've got it clean.

Ruger Old Army Shoots a .457 cal round ball. The internals of this gun are same as the blackhawk line -By far and away much smoother than the cap & ball replicas out there IMO. Colcolt I imagine that 1861 had some sweet lockwork in it as well. Yep I'd say that was a huge mistake letting that one go.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
Colcolt I imagine that 1861 had some sweet lockwork in it as well. Yep I'd say that was a huge mistake letting that one go.
Yep, I only cocked it a time or two and looked at it for a long time quite a few times and then put it away in the box. After a few years I decided a collector may benefit from it more than me as I'm not a collector-that takes a lot of money. I'm a shooter so, it found a good home. Nevertheless, I pine it's departure now and then.
I still have some 2f and 3Fg powder around here from shooting the Zouave and my cap and ball pistols. I've never used the black powder substitutes.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 29, 2011
San Mateo
Great info colcolt. I was unaware there was a newer model Vaquero. I'm glad that I did get mine when I did. I wonder why they did this?



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 23, 2012
Honestly I’m not a collector or a gun fanatic! I don’t shoot until work makes me qualify, but I do take my sons to shoot once a month.
Here’s what I have:

City issued Glock 22 (.40S&W) duty weapon

City issued AR-15 with all the bells and whistles.

Glock 27 that I used in plain clothes, now collects dust

S&W airweight.38 (off-duty carry) I never leave home without it.


2 Remington 870’s one tactical and one turkey gun.

2 Remington rifles 7mm Rem. Mag and a .243

And a 410 and .22 that my youngest son loves to use. They are all tools not collector’s items!



Nov 21, 2011
Major shooting fan here. Being British makes me gravitate to revolvers and shotguns though. I have a couple of Taurus 7-shot .357s, a snub and a 4" service revolver. The snub has custom cocobolo grips made from a mold of my hand by my sculptor brother-in-law (he's a real sculptor, he's in museums). By far my favorite type of shooting is sporting clays with my NEF Pardner single shot 20ga. Shooting moving targets that blow up is a lot more fun than punching holes in paper, for me.
Need a Henry .22 lever action, and a S&W Model 58 in .41 Magnum, perhaps the prettiest revolver I've ever seen. They're $850 though. Piggie hunting revolver.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
jameral-I think one reason for the change is that many folks longed for the old XR-3 grip that once was on the Blackhawk and they had to cut back on the size to accommodate those many request. I'm sure there were other reasons but that's one that comes to mind.
This article will shed a lot of light on this topic.



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
I'm interested in putting a Crimson Trace Infrared Laser on a Glock 19. Any experiences good or bad?



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
I dont have a Glock , however I have put Crimson Trace grips on a few pistols for myself and others. I have always had good experience with them overall.



Mar 22, 2011
"Kimber gets a bad rap..."
From WHO? I've always considered them to be top quality; but I'm biased due to my Kimber Super Match.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 29, 2011
San Mateo
colcolt- Good article, thanks for the link. It is interesting that some of the things they addressed on the New Vaquero are things that I did to mine, such as a free spin pawl that eliminated the clicking of the cylinder during the loading and unloading and also a Wolf spring kit which lightened the hammer cocking and trigger pull. Given the choice today I would still pick mine. :mrgreen:


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