If You Were a Tobacconist...

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Dec 14, 2015
Virginia = Reiner's Long Golden Flake
Burley= Carter Hall
Everyone Should Try = PS Luxury Twist Flake


Jun 6, 2017
It was John Cotton #1 that grabbed me by the short & curlies, dragging me into this twisted little world.

Having the latakia in a lesser role at first greatly enhanced my ability to appreciate it.

ODF really propelled me along, a non-aro with enough character to hold my interest without great technique.

I didn't "get" burley until I had a well made flake. For me, C&D Burley Flake #3 was the starting point, though Amphora Burley Blend could be an easier choice for the noob.

Virginias were tougher for me. My local guy drove me away by starting me on McClelland Red & Black, which charred my mouth mercilessly and kept me from trying other VA's for some time.

I must dissent on the LTF recommendation. At least my body chemistry is opposed. FVF and MB Virginia #1 or HH Pure Virginia are much more my speed, now that my fundamentals of technique are in place.

D&R Ramback began my enjoyment of the Orientals and, due to dryness, forced me to further my cadence technique to appreciate it.

Viprati endeared me to perique and LBF kept the romance going, especially once I got my paws on some aged stuff.

Aromatics were avoided. Then the Black Frigate called. "Debatably" aromatic, it showed me how a non-tobacco component could be nice. A sample of Russ' Hickory Match furthered the erosion of my aro avoidance, as did Exotic Passion. Aro's are still a small part of my routine but have token representation.

As stated several times above, diligence in learning the ropes and wide-cast sampling are essential to maximizing enjoyment of our chosen vice.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
The number one thing about human nature is that when told that something is too exclusive or they are discouraged, the winners will find a way to do it, and the losers will walk away.
I NEVER encourage someone to smoke. By giving people pipes and free tobacco, we end up with a hobby of losers, cheap ass losers and beggars. And, I really don't wanna hang around with losers.

My first recommendation to a new smoker... "leave it alone. It's just too hard for someone... like you. This is a hobby for guys willing to do whatever it takes to get it done." "You'll probably burn your sensitive girl mouth, and probably won't be able to afford it anyways."

It works. Every time someone tries to make something easy for me, I place no value in the thing. But, tell me I can't, and I will... unless it's stupid. puffy


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2020
Gardendale, Alabama
Most first time pipe smokers buy one pipe and one blend, to see how it goes. I think one of the old standard Va/bur blends, with or without flavoring, but with dominant tobacco flavor, would be good. Many shop by sniffing the open "house blends," which are standard blends renamed by the shop. I might guide someone to Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic in a pouch, but if they wanted to sniff the jars and select their own, I'd leave them to their own adventure. Micromanagement never made a devoted pipe smoker.


Aug 20, 2013
Dark Flake

They say not to recommend the strong stuff to a beginner. I disagree. What you want is for him to be toking on brown Rope trying to decide if should he make a run for the toilet or sit still with the sweat rolling down his face glorying in the riches of a VA with taste and nicotine aplenty. If so he can envision himself a sailor in the 17th century far from home but buoyed by his trusty pipe, or a miner in the 19th chewing on a cud of something dark and lively trying to decide if it's time to expel the cud and dry it so that he'll have something to smoke on the way home.

In short, why wait to curl your toes when you could move up to real tobacco, the experience of which the old-timers recurrently enjoy? Why should they get all the good stuff? Remember that you're progressing, the evidence for which is the daily benefit of having your head in the toilet.


May 12, 2019
Atlantic Coast USA
I'd give a pouch of Burley heavy OTC on the house and sell'em some fine english in a tin(not too much latakia), sell a quality Virginia, and sell aromatic as well if sweet is his thing otherwise a cigar blend - to me thats enough of a start