If You Like Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky...

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I stowed back enough 109 to last me, but I didn't the 44, thinking that I had time, and it was pretty far down on my list of lifetime smokes. I was still buying fresh to let my others age, when Astleys switched to square tins for 109. This was sometime in 2015. This is when I noticed the licorice and the new recipe for 109. But, when Dan (Woodsroad) posted the list of casings used by British companies (I believed released in a lawsuit), Astleys showed that they indeed had been using licorice sweeteners. But, it wasn't as prevalent as it is in these newer versions.
The newer 44, tastes almost like an aromatic to me, similar to Blackpool in flavor. You may just have the better versions stowed back, and IMO the better versions. But yeh, taste buds are different. This is why I try to avoid reading reviews of tobaccos before I try something myself. I find that if I read a review before I try a blend, that I tend to "look" for the flavors that I have read about, instead of relying on my own senses. Eh, actually, I don't place much stock in reviews even after I have tried a blend, ha ha. It's more fun to just rely on my own findings. Not to disparage reviewers. Some folks really like conferring on them. I just march to my own drummer. :puffy:



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
They are still showing round tins for all the Astleys blends. Why would they go to square when everyone else is going round? I personally like the small sq tins better than the round, as they take up less space, and that is becoming an issue for me.

I always check the reviews before I buy stuff. There are guys on tr that I have been using since the beginning in 2001. I found almost all of my favorites thanks to tobaccoreviews. I have to know what is in blend before I buy it as I am always trying to avoid blends with red virginia's.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Think you would also like Wessex (Brigade) Campaign Dark Flake. It doesn’t have any dark fired leaf in it but the toppings/casings are similar to Dark Strong.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
hawky, thanks for that recommendation. I began cellaring BCDF back in 2012, all my tins are from that year with exception of my last 25 tin order in 2013. I really enjoy it and it ages very well. I find the taste of molasses as the main player and don't taste any licorice.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Yeh, they went square, then went back to round (I think). But, you can't trust the pics, as some sites have never posted pics of the square tins. when I got my first batch of squares, the picture was of a round tin. I'm not even sure if I ever remember seeing a square tin, so I am just guessing that they returned to round ones.

I prefer square tins in general also.
To each their own on how they deal with reviews. I am not trying to avoid any particular leaf, and my own sense of adventure guides me.



Jul 21, 2015
All of these suggestions of Kentucky blends, where you can actually taste the tobacco, have you guys ever tried Dark Strong Kentucky? It's an aromatic, and it is neither strong nor dark in flavor. I definitely do not taste any smokey dark fired in there. If there is, they kill it with licorice.
I had the same experience. Breakfast cereal tobacco. Was good and sweet though, which most other dark fired blends are not.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
hawky, thanks for that recommendation. I began cellaring BCDF back in 2012, all my tins are from that year with exception of my last 25 tin order in 2013. I really enjoy it and it ages very well. I find the taste of molasses as the main player and don't taste any licorice.
Yeah, same here, it’s great stuff! I get that good black strap molasses flavor from it - same as I get from the Orlik and (since were at it) I also get that in Dunhill Dark Flake, albeit, it’s a lot lighter in that than it is in the other two.



Jul 21, 2015
death, it goes perfect with a bowl of Captain Crunch, my favorite cereal.



Feb 8, 2018
I agree with the sweet molasses note. Definately a sweet mild smoke. Try rubbing it out with some added perique for a little kick. Some folks out there don't like to mess with blends but what the hell. If I can tweak it for my tastes so be it. I don't mess with that many brands. But a little perique here for a little Latakia there could make all the difference. BTW. I don't mess with margate or and so to bed. Just right IMO.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
hawky, thanks for reminding me I have an open tin of Dunhill Dark. I bought it a month or so ago, was not impressed with the first bowl and forgot about it. I need to try a few different pipes to see if I can get something from it.

welcome to the site. I have never played with any of the blends I cellar. I kind of figure that I should let the pro's play with blends and leave amateurs like me on the side lines. The only thing I would consider adding to a blend would be Perique and I would only want to add some from St James Parish. Is that even available to purchase in small amounts?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
You are right, Harris. But, they do have the granulated in bulk. https://www.smokingpipes.com/pipe-tobacco/cornell-diehl/Granulated-Perique/product_id/79416/bulk/

But, it's been three years since he told me this. Maybe they sold out? I swear I picked up a couple of tins of it from them. But, I've already blended and smoked it. I will try to remember to email Mark, and see where the best place to get his perique is.

Sorry about that.



Jun 3, 2015
The C&D Granulated Perique is good. I like to allow it to get bone dry. From there you can add rum or smoke it straight. It smells of chocolate, smelly feet, and Coke. Simply delicious.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Wowxi ask a simple question and it evolves to hints of anise and licorice. I'm a simple barbarian. Do I like it or not? If I over think it, it is certain to taste horrible.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Ha ha ha, Hoosier, to me it's not just a "hint" in this one particular blend. But, licorice melds with the tobacco flavor and makes for a decent smoke in some blends. Many may not even be able to taste it. I will add, that I hate licorice and anise. I hate it to the point of not being able to keep a candy of it in my mouth for more than a few seconds, and even then I am strongly compelled to drag my tongue across a nasty well trodden carpet to remove the sickening flavor. But, blended well with a tobacco, used sparingly, I probably would have a hard time detecting it.
Think... If you put tobacco in your mouth, it tastes very differently from the aroma and flavor of the smoke. I don't chew or dip, because it triggers my gag reflex. But, I have never had a problem smoking it.

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