Licorice is the most disgusting flavor on the planet. For the life of me, I could never fathom how licorice could be candy to some people. I have no clue what anise tastes like. I live in a world of sweet, pleasant flavors.
There is some well known French spirits which have Anise & licorice taste in very fore front, Pastis de Marseille by Richard and in lesser degree Pernod.I like enjoying them as aperitif in hot summer days diluted in 2 /7 ratio.
Just finished a bowl of the HH Bold Kentucky. Good recommendation ! Very pleasant, in your face tobacco, just a bit one dimensional. Not something I'll smoke every day but worth keeping around to enjoy occasionally. I was drinking sweet tea, I think this one would go better with some strong coffee or a nice bourbon, perhaps even a stout beer.
Just ordered a tin of HH Dark Fired and HH Bold KY to compare. I tend to like the Orlik, but then again, I do enjoy anise/licorice.
I grown accustomed to a 50/50 blend of Orlik Golden Sliced and Dark Strong KY. Call me crazy but it works for me!