Tobacco companies aren't going anywhere. They're going to take over the vape market, they're already doing it. Vaping is the future of smoking. The fluid is cheap and easy to make and you can pass the costs of coils and pens right to the consumer. In fact, it's even more lucrative because the pens are not cheap and they don't last forever. I'm sure soon we'll see luxury vaping products too. You can already get the things custom made! Just imagine what that will look like with big tobacco money!Makes me wonder what percentage of tobacco sales go to the cigarette market. If it's high enough, ceasing cigarette production may be disastrous enough to put producers out of business leaving all tobacco users out in the cold.
Sounds awful I know, but I really don't think this will crater tobacco production. There is simply too much demand for cigars, and I'm sure the whole world isn't going to ban cigarettes. If tobacco companies are smart, and they are, they'll see the opportunity to expand their other markets. I'm sure some research will finally go into alternative tobacco products too.
Besides, if cigarettes were banned tomorrow how would it affect pipe tobacco sales? Probably see a boost as all the members of pipesmag go on a hoarding spree!