If money were no object, I'd hop a boat to Ireland and pick out a fine pipe from my favorite shop in Dublin.
I think owing a pipe from a past president or another "famous" or "almost famous" person would be neat. Then again, I'm also interested in knowing what blends other famous pipe smokers enjoyed.I'm always more interested in history. I would much like to have a pipe owned by one of our past presidents of note.
This pipe does not appeal to me in the least. If anything it gives me the heebie-jeebies. Although I have to admire the craftsmanship.This isn’t mine but here’s a Ryan Alden Scorpion Calabash made of Bamboo with three bowls.
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Tom Eltang
I’d probably go the other direction and get a really nice lighter or tamper etc. something special I could use when smoking all my pipes, rather than just one.
Haha I’ve actually been thinking on my post and I think I would actually buy a life time supply of matches and get a really nice desk box and/or travel case for them.Not a bad idea but I already have 2 Kiribi lighters I really enjoy and a few custom tampers.
Above that, I honestly doubt the wife would go for a $900 Dunhill lighter thats listed on SPbut - it does fall in the no obstacle category. (I honestly want to know who is paying $1000 for a lighter like that)
If you can afford it, my Eltangs are wonderful smokers. Eltang and Batson are my two favorite makers and, for what it's worth, I consider them worth the investment, but only if you got it to spare.You know, I have added one of those and an Il Duca to my cart numerous times in the past and never could commit to it.
As a gift though, I may just do it this time.