if you think about it they kind of are the good guys.
Thanks for proving my point.
Basically if all the other made up races didn't abandon their own when they get ugly there'd be no orc problems.
The allegory for racism in a fantasy setting.
It seems no one can discuss anything these days without someone playing the race card...and they think they are being morally correct but in reality they are just poisoning everything.
Projecting racism onto Tolkien is pure BS. I could write an essay explaining why, but I've neither the time nor the motivation. And people will believe what they want anyway.
We live in a time when racism is being projected on, and injected into, just about everything...and it's become so tedious and tiresome. Often it is those doing this who are the actual racists...other times it is just the result of the relentless media conditioning being used as a divide and conquer strategy.