Remember those little snap-pop things that you could throw at the ground and they'd let off a less-than-exciting pop? We used to be able to get them in a pack of a dozen boxes, each box having like 100 of them inside of it, packed sporadically within in the obligatory sawdust.
In a stroke of genius, I once thought that if I unwrapped all of the little tissue paper enclosed charges and dumped their contents into a coffee filter, I'd be able to make a giant one. I was right.
In my ignorance, however, I imagined the outcome being a cacophonous series of pops, like throwing a handful of them at the ground at once. That wasn't even close to what happened.
I dumped enough of these things into the coffee filter that I could barely twist the top to hold all of the little crystals inside of it. I had to use a rubber band to secure the twist so it wouldn't open back up on its own. Standing on our front porch that created quite the echo chamber, I slammed this baseball-sized creation at the concrete floor of the porch only to spend the next 5-10 minutes in genuine internal conflict over whether or not I'd just stolen my own ability to ever hear again. Neighbors came running out into the street and the police showed up a few minutes later. It was quite the scene.
I've spent the majority of my life shooting heavily charged shotguns at things, high powered rifles at things, spent some time in the Army, etc. I can't recall a single event that resulted in a louder noise in my entire life. I honestly thought I'd made myself deaf.