After the Cringle Flake dried for 1 hour, I gravity packed the bowl. Anytime there is any excess overflow, I rest my thumb across the rim to pack it in, I never stick a finger inside the chamber packing it further.
The first light went fine, I let it cool slightly, relit it again, and then with only the weight of the Czech Tool, tamped it down and relit it again.
During the first few lights and puffs, after the ember went out and I let the pipe cool, I took several sips very carefully looking for any unusual tastes, but nothing could be found, just nice tabac flavors coming through the stem.
As a pipe smoker I’ve always taken a few puffs and let the tabac ember go out, letting the pipe cool, and then lighting it again. I’ve personally felt like a cooled down pipe, gives a nicer richer cool smoke, and that is how I am smoking this pipe, and so far it’s doing nicely.
I’m not one for torching up the tabac into a volcanic glowing ember, but of course we do want to get a good even burn going. So, for good pipe science, I did do one really good light, getting it all burning and glowing nice, and I took a fairly good size puff and it remained cool and robust in flavor, and the bowl barely got warm.
The one thing I’m thinking right now as I relax between puffs, and the pipe is cooling, how nice does Briar have to be, for it to remain pretty cool while smoking... hmm ?
I have to say, for an inexpensive pipe, the bowl stays pretty cool to the touch and the smoke is smooth and cool to the touch.
After I have smoked through the entire bowl I will report back, for now, consider this, ‘The Beginning Smoke Review’.
Aloha! ? ?
P.S. The remainder of the review will be tomorrow! It’s time to kick back with the ole pipe, watch some Netflix and Hulu, oh this Cringle Flake is good!