I just want to say this, a lot of doctors equate all smoking as the same. Cigarette smoking is the same as pipe smoking. When any intelligent practitioner of medicine can see that the two are as different as night and day. I will say this tho, smoking indoors, in an enclosed room, can lead to subliminal inhalation of quite a bit of tobacco smoke. Smoking outdoors obviates this. I would definitely seek secondary and tertiary opinions on this. Smoking several bowls a week of a very low nic blend is not detrimental to ones health. Especially if enjoyed outdoors. Smoking a high nic blend indoors several or more times a day would be the opposite extreme. Alcohol should be ruled out entirely, as well as caffeinated beverages. There are a lot of decaf teas to choose from. Of course you have to do what you have to do, but listen to your body first, and seek out multiple sources of advice, preferably from doctors past their late 50s, who I've found to be much more intelligent that young kids with MDs and clipboards. I've met a boatload of those. Lastly a wise old nurse in her 60s will often yield the sagest advice. A good doctor would know this and council accordingly.