I Cannot Smoke Peterson University Flake, Little Help?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2021
Noblesville Indiana USA
I have been smoking a pipe for a few months, and while I’m certainly no pro, I have learned a lot and have become a better pipe smoker. I have tried numerous blends (probably a stupid amount) and found some that smoke better than others, but the Peterson University Flake has really given me problems.

I have tried five times to smoke a bowl of this stuff, and haven’t smoked a single bowl yet. No other tobacco blend has given me a problem like this. I rub it out, let it dry for varying lengths of time and still it will barely light and immediate go out. Even when it feels dry. Even when I rubbed it out more, or less. Even when I dried it to the point of about being crispy. Did it when I packed it a little loose, did it when I packed it a little tighter. All three pipes I tried, same problem. This is the only tobacco I have actually tossed the contents of the bowl in the trash because it couldn’t be smoked. I have not been able to smoke a single bowl of this stuff. I’ve barely been able to even get a taste of it. Only time I have had smoke I could taste was when the lighter was actually putting flame to it.

I have read reviews of this product, other people are somehow able to smoke it. What am I doing wrong? What is different about this from the other twenty five tobaccos I’ve tried lately? I really don’t understand how anyone is able to smoke this stuff, it is as if it is made from non-flammable material. I would love to know what it is actually like, but I’m getting tired of packing bowls that I can’t smoke. Any ideas?
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May 16, 2021
Cowra, New South Wales, Australia.
The best advice I've found was from a review on tobaccoreviews.com , which should also be the 1st one as is the most helpful.

henwrench / 1st review

Not my review, but I followed his advice the first time I had it, but if it still won't co-operate maybe just leave it in the jar and forgot about it for a couple of weeks like I did.

I've come back to it in the last month or so and it may be my favourite blend.

Certainly good enough to have as my avatar ?

How did you find the taste?, when you could keep it going that is.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2021
Noblesville Indiana USA
The taste was mostly elusive, I rarely got a real chance to taste anything. What I did taste was nice enough, but I really haven’t been able to get anything from this tobacco. Mostly it is the most frustrating tobacco I have tried. For what is is worth, I tried it about a month or so back, and now I’m trying again. Same problems.

I guess I have to leave it out for several days til it is totally bone dry, although I’m afraid most of the flavor will dry up as well. Maybe then it will at least burn. Honestly, if someone told me that a whole batch of this was accidentally treated with asbestos rendering it non-flammable I would totally believe it. No other tobacco has given me anywhere near this much trouble. I like the tin note, so far that is about all the flavor I have been able to enjoy.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2018
Middle Tennessee
I personally love University Flake and like yourself, had trouble keeping it lit. My solution for this and for other flakes is to let them dry till they almost crumble in my hand. Actually, I left a tin of University Flake sitting out for about a year and the contents did crumble in my hand. It tastes delicious, burns easy and is very satisfying. Keep in mind that I like my tobacco on the very dry side. What works for me may not work for you. Anyway, try drying the tobacco overnight or for longer than you think you should, you may find that it works better for you. Good luck.


May 16, 2021
Cowra, New South Wales, Australia.
Yes, what @blackpowderpiper said above in regards to overnight, or if you wanted to leave it for a few days maybe leave the lid loose.
From memory I left my first tin/jar open for a day here and there, came back and thought maybe it was too dry - but it worked out perfectly, with minimal loss in topping but as the weeks went on the Virginia and Burley became more even throughout the bowl.
It did take a week or so in the jar for me to open up so to speak and for me to really dig it.
I hope it works out for you because it really is a great Flake with a great tipping that compliments the Virginia well.
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Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
I have one tin open and 3 cellared which for me is saying a lot. It’s as close to an aro as I care to be. It’s good burley and I like the berry top note I get, although I believe it’s actually plum.

I’ve taken a flake straight from the tin and using the Fold n Stuff method resulted in what you describe. But rubbing it out with only a few minutes before loading resulted in a manageable bowl.

Sounds strange that you’ve tried and tried and it won’t stay lit. Good luck. It’s a decent blend. It’s only a “once in a while” for me.
Jun 23, 2019
I have been smoking a pipe for a few months, and while I’m certainly no pro, I have learned a lot and have become a better pipe smoker. I have tried numerous blends (probably a stupid amount) and found some that smoke better than others, but the Peterson University Flake has really given me problems.

I have tried five times to smoke a bowl of this stuff, and haven’t smoked a single bowl yet. No other tobacco blend has given me a problem like this. I rub it out, let it dry for varying lengths of time and still it will barely light and immediate go out. Even when it feels dry. Even when I rubbed it out more, or less. Even when I dried it to the point of about being crispy. Did it when I packed it a little loose, did it when I packed it a little tighter. All three pipes I tried, same problem. This is the only tobacco I have actually tossed the contents of the bowl in the trash because it couldn’t be smoked. I have not been able to smoke a single bowl of this stuff. I’ve barely been able to even get a taste of it. Only time I have had smoke I could taste was when the lighter was actually putting flame to it.

I have read reviews of this product, other people are somehow able to smoke it. What am I doing wrong? What is different about this from the other twenty five tobaccos I’ve tried lately? I really don’t understand how anyone is able to smoke this stuff, it is as if it is made from non-flammable material. I would love to know what it is actually like, but I’m getting tired of packing bowls that I can’t smoke. Any ideas?

I don't mean to be discouraging but here is most likely your problem.

A lot of piping is about technique and repetition. It takes a while to get a proper cadence going. Obviously some are quicker to learn than others but it took me *years* before I could finish a bowl of virginias ashes to ashes without relights.

Don't worry too much and just keep at it. By the sounds of it, your preparations are fine - but then again could all depend on your local humidity.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2021
Noblesville Indiana USA
I appreciate that there is a learning curve to smoking a pipe, and that different tobacco may require different smoking technique. The biggest problem in this particular case is that the tobacco will not light. I never get a chance to practice my technique and cadence because the tobacco will not burn. I have been able to smoke several other flake tobaccos (mostly virginia or virginia based) with little or problem. Other tobaccos that were tougher to smoke and required several re-lights would at least burn, this stuff just doesn't want to burn unless the lighter is right on it, even when it was very dry to the touch. I have to use a lighter to get any smoke from it. It literally will only ember with a direct flame. The second I take the flame away it goes out even if I am giving a little puff. I would have to puff like a train to have a chance to get it burning, and I do not want to go that route. I have never even been able to see ash because it won't burn, it just turns black.

The house has been around 40% humidity for the two months I have had the tobacco. I have left it out for 6-8 hours and had the same result, even though I could feel the dryness (crispness) of the tobacco. I guess it still wasn't dry enough to burn.

At this point, I will try leaving it out for several days and see if it will burn. Maybe then it will finally burn. I am not sure what else to do. I wish this stuff was sold a little more ready to smoke. If it is going to take this much time and effort to try and smoke a bowl, it would have to be a life-changing tobacco to be worth it. I will try for the 6th time to smoke this next week after more drying time and report back. Maybe on the 6th attempt I will finally know what this tastes like.
Jun 23, 2019
I appreciate that there is a learning curve to smoking a pipe, and that different tobacco may require different smoking technique. The biggest problem in this particular case is that the tobacco will not light. I never get a chance to practice my technique and cadence because the tobacco will not burn. I have been able to smoke several other flake tobaccos (mostly virginia or virginia based) with little or problem. Other tobaccos that were tougher to smoke and required several re-lights would at least burn, this stuff just doesn't want to burn unless the lighter is right on it, even when it was very dry to the touch. I have to use a lighter to get any smoke from it. It literally will only ember with a direct flame. The second I take the flame away it goes out even if I am giving a little puff. I would have to puff like a train to have a chance to get it burning, and I do not want to go that route. I have never even been able to see ash because it won't burn, it just turns black.

The house has been around 40% humidity for the two months I have had the tobacco. I have left it out for 6-8 hours and had the same result, even though I could feel the dryness (crispness) of the tobacco. I guess it still wasn't dry enough to burn.

At this point, I will try leaving it out for several days and see if it will burn. Maybe then it will finally burn. I am not sure what else to do. I wish this stuff was sold a little more ready to smoke. If it is going to take this much time and effort to try and smoke a bowl, it would have to be a life-changing tobacco to be worth it. I will try for the 6th time to smoke this next week after more drying time and report back. Maybe on the 6th attempt I will finally know what this tastes like.

Wonder if it's something to do with the casing/topping/flavoring. What other tobaccos do you usually smoke/enjoy?


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2021
Noblesville Indiana USA
Wonder if it's something to do with the casing/topping/flavoring. What other tobaccos do you usually smoke/enjoy?
I really like the Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake and Luxury Navy flake. Been smoking a lot of the Stokkebye Cube Cut and H&H Burley Kake lately as well. Some Pegasus, PS Evening Flake, Joe Krantz, Newminster 403 and an occasional full on aro like Vanilla Custard or Creme Brulee. That is probably 90% of what I have been smoking lately. I was very into 965, Father Dempsey, Quiet Nights, and Plum Pudding when I first started, but the latakia ( I think) started tasting different to me and I have not been smoking anything very English lately.


Oct 10, 2013
Sounds like the tobacco is too wet and too dense.
Either let the flakes sit out until dry (barely pliable without crumbling), or rub them out, spread thinly, and wait for them to dry. Also, use a smaller bowl and don't overfill it. The tobacco should not be so tightly packed that air goes around it, instead of through it.
And don't worry about relights. The goal is to enjoy, not to obsess over process.


Jun 16, 2021
Spencer, OH
Can you share a picture of what your bowl looks like after you pack it? That might shed some light on the situation.

I smoke University Flake and Irish Flake regularly and don't normally have any big issues such as what you're describing.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2021
Noblesville Indiana USA
Can you share a picture of what your bowl looks like after you pack it? That might shed some light on the situation.

I smoke University Flake and Irish Flake regularly and don't normally have any big issues such as what you're describing.
I won't be packing anymore until it dries, I can take a pic then. I have tried around 25 other tobaccos (many of them flakes) and this is the only one that has acted like this at all. I literally have zero problem with any other tobacco. I never pack tight, and I have tried adjusting the packing (a little looser, a little tighter) during the 6 bowls I have tried to smoke. I always test draw before lighting and if the draw isn't right I start over. The last bowl I rubbed out, dried, and gravity fed it just barely tamping it down at the top thinking that looser might work better but it did not. I'm pretty sure this stuff is just wet.

I opened the tin and will leave it open for days to see if that helps, but right now I can feel the moisture in the flakes, I'm pretty sure if I grabbed them all in my fist and squeezed there would be drops of moisture coming out. I don't know if it is always this moist, but this is a very wet tobacco. Before today I had not really noticed just how wet it is.
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Jun 23, 2019
I really like the Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake and Luxury Navy flake. Been smoking a lot of the Stokkebye Cube Cut and H&H Burley Kake lately as well. Some Pegasus, PS Evening Flake, Joe Krantz, Newminster 403 and an occasional full on aro like Vanilla Custard or Creme Brulee. That is probably 90% of what I have been smoking lately. I was very into 965, Father Dempsey, Quiet Nights, and Plum Pudding when I first started, but the latakia ( I think) started tasting different to me and I have not been smoking anything very English lately.

While Stokkebye's bulk stuff is more "ready-to-smoke" level moisture and if you're not struggling with Creme Brulee or other aromatics along those lines then it might not be a technique issue.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2021
Noblesville Indiana USA
While Stokkebye's bulk stuff is more "ready-to-smoke" level moisture and if you're not struggling with Creme Brulee or other aromatics along those lines then it might not be a technique issue.
I’m thinking at this point it has more to do with the preparation (drying the stuff out). What’s kind of strange about that is the Quiet Nights and Plum Pudding SR were both around 85% humidity in their respective tins when they were opened and I had way less trouble with those. An hour or so of drying and they were very smokeable. This Uni-Flake has made smoking seem a lot like work!
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