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Oct 14, 2014
I don't see what all the animus is all about. Old timers have to smoke pipes because they leak farts like oil from the the exxon valdez. Lat is the only thing with enough reek to cover the smell. I thought everyone knew this.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
my god. a bunch of teenage girls around here.... grow up.

LoL! Thanks for saying this. This board is cliquey as a lunchroom and some have gotten a little to comfortable in a public space. 8O



Mar 22, 2011
A few thoughts before this all gets shut down...
One shouldn't go into broadcasting (that includes YouTube) if one can't take criticism. The OP basically asked the public "what do you think of THIS?" and the public told him. Perhaps some of the comments could have been more constructive. But from the rather long-winded original post as well as further comments that the videos were merely the author's way of "acting like an ass" gave me the impression that the author wasn't taking this all very seriously. So it's understandable why some of the feedback wouldn't be too serious, either.
Metal, I can see how you may resent some of the dismissive comments from some of us senior guys. I'm sure I can be as flippant as the next guy. But when another inexperienced pipe guy announces that ALL you need is a (cob/Savinelli/meer/churchwarden/etc.) because they NEVER (ghost/need break-in/smoke hot/etc.), it becomes increasingly difficult take all these nonsensical comments seriously.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
First, ha ha, fuzzbuzz is not me... but funny. I've been out with a respiratory infection, so no work or smoking. But, good try.

I said on another thread that must have gone toxic and gotten deleted that I respect what folks are doing on the Youtubers. My initial responses on this thread were on the meandering length of the OP. But, I think the sensitivity and general baby crying when confronted with criticism would keep me away from that bunch. But, this has been entertaining. I would just have to say that I don't think the overreaction by Youtubers on this thread are doing anything positive to gain viewers. And, yes, we do have a right to criticize. You guys came here. And, what fun would it be to just avoid saying anything?
So, now back to my cough medicine and coughing. I hate westeria!!!



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Yes, a quick recovery!
I am still waiting for a recommendation of a pipe vid that's three minutes or less—other than Mr. Brog's. Five if it's really good.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Right Warren.

I suppose I could do ten minutes of my finger in a bowl, gently pressing down and rotating left to righ

Is full penetration even allowed on YouTube. :::cough cough:::
People would be much happier not looking for things to be outraged at. There's enough out there against us to be worrying about a few of us not liking a medium of communication. I also don't care for snapchat, Instagram, and various other mediums. Berating me, isn't going to change my mind. I'm sorry if some out there are misinterpreting me, or just don't like me. And, by "people, some, and whoever," I dirrect this to whomever wants to own it, not someone in particular.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
metal, I just re read the entire thread and I see what you mean about some snide remarks. Most of it has been humorous ball busting. My post with the circus freaks even got you laughing. You are right though that snide remarks are not helpful and unacceptable especially towards new and younger members of our community.
The people who made those remarks should apologize to the members who were targeted. I guess I missed those in my first reading of the thread and apologize to you for not taking your word for it and asking you to go back and prove your point.

We as a community need watch what we say and while good-natured ball busing is fine making snide remarks designed to rank on someone is not acceptable.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I'm not about to retread this entire thread. I just came back because someone emailed me telling me that someone claimed to be me. Just list my offenses and I will humbly apologize with hat in hand and knee on ground. I didn't mean to attack anyone personally. And, I have no ego to protect, and we are all here for fun. Just list my offenses, and I will give my deep felt apologies.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 5, 2014
JPMCWR - I listed a plethora of stations and even linked a phenomenal video on the previous page - so you're not "waiting"; you're simply not reading

Cosmic - You old folks always think we're crying, jeez! I think it just is or at least comes across as what the reader wants to interpret due to our inability for facial recognition..idk maybe some have cried.

In general 1.I wanted to offer a good read ( and my OP was an eloquent and brilliant piece of literature) for those on the forums who may not be aware of YouTube

2. I appreciate the tips. The idea of using my computer to read lyrics is one I will use if ever needed in future. My quality may not improve immensely- 1 wife, 2 kids, 60 hour work week and my income comes from a tobacco store (not complaining I'm "living the dream", but copious amounts of dollar bills is not why I work in the tobacco industry).

3. A tip: from someone who has literally read thousands of posts and hundreds of threads - y'all can and do tend to come across as snide and overly sarcastic. In a conversation or long-term relationship thats fine and; I assume; how many men act with our friends. On a forum with no face or point of reference...it can be disheartening to the more shy folk.

4. Thanks for allowing me to achieve what I hoped - opening a conversation - I see some YT people are posting and saw at least 3 videos discuss the forums.
See all who are coming to Chicago at the show. Remember come see me for thrilling conversation...shit you're not looking for that - I will be handing out free samples of tobacco though @ the Uhles table



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Yes, snide and sarcasm are unique to this forum.

Ha ha, I was able to do both in one sentence, and... I'm sorry. It's everywhere, but what is most important is how we react. You can either laugh, write a witty comeback, or be insulted... or just ignore it. Usually, how we "feel" (I hate that word) about the poster, generally affects our reactions.



Jun 30, 2015
See all who are coming to Chicago at the show. Remember come see me for thrilling conversation...shit you're not looking for that - I will be handing out free samples of tobacco though @ the Uhles table
Yes!!!! Finally we have found the one thing to bring forum members and the Youtube community together.....FREE TOBACCO! :puffpipe:
To paraphrase an old jingle: I just want to buy the world a pipe and smoke in perfect harmony.......



Jul 21, 2015
y'all can and do tend to come across as snide and overly sarcastic. In a conversation or long-term relationship thats fine and; I assume; how many men act with our friends. On a forum with no face or point of reference...it can be disheartening to the more shy folk.
It's everywhere, but what is most important is how we react. You can either laugh, write a witty comeback, or be insulted... or just ignore it.
This is interesting.
I suppose there are two ways we could go:
(1) More sensitive.

(2) More "rough 'n' tumble."
With more sensitive, you get a situation that is easier for shy people... but also less likely to engage in any contentious rhetoric. It's like pacifism in that way. Unfortunately, this leads to many things being unresolved and a sort of conversational entropy.
The rough 'n' tumble approach is somewhat annoying at first, I'll admit, and some will take it too far. But, on the other hand, it gets people out of their shells. The focus is less on people than the action. And it enables us to approach contentious issues and get into the core of them.
$0.02 from a guy who has seen it all before.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Well yeh, we should not be attacking members personally or belittling them. But, sarcasm and a tad bit of snidism shows personality and character, as well as apologizing and being nice. I wouldn't advocate people being jerks. Just have fun.
And yes, this forum needs more shy and sensitive posters. Sorry, I did it agin. :wink:

It's all about building relationships.
And, if you talk with people who make things for a living, we all have our rants about criticisms we have gotten, but for the most part, we have to have tough skin. We can take it personal (and end up bitter and hurt), or as I have been taught, look for what you can learn from it, even if what you learn is that the critic is a moron, ha ha.

I think the OP, diabetic guy, Gets it.
But, there are times when sarcasm can be a great tool. And, there are times when being critical is not needed. It just takes a smidge of logic to determine when and where.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
JPMCWR - I listed a plethora of stations and even linked a phenomenal video on the previous page - so you're not "waiting"; you're simply not reading
You listed a bunch of presenters, no links, except to the spoof vid, which is humorous, and good. I asked for links to short pipe related vids, so far, nada. Are you able to put up?

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